[centre][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210522/d30e0b3bcbb52e9e11cdc6a848a22602.png[/img][/centre] [centre][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210522/2936919c1d8c36df6fb303c8579b3a49.png[/img][/centre] [@AWACS][@13org][@BigPapaBelial] Amanda looked stunned at the rapid response from the Minsk office agents. Especially that one Orc scientist, claiming that his computer summons demons that he can control, while Amanda may not be familiar with the inner workings of a demon summoning computer, she will take all the help she can get at this point. [color=bbbbbb]“All right, Ahab right?”[/color] Amanda inferred from his nametag. [color=bbbbbb]“Do whatever you need to take down these fuckers. We’ll cover you!”[/color] It eventually resulted in all the hostile agents either retreating, injured, or dead on the street. The commotion near the OMR office forming a small crowd and necessitating those agents to form a cordon to ward off the crowds as medical specialists stream out of the office, taking the dead bodies for further examination. More than sufficient time for Amanda to wheel the entire team into the confines of the Minsk office, before she took a nonexistent breather before the whole team. [color=bbbbbb]“Alright, all of you except for Faye and Scarlet, take a rest for the day. I was planning on hitting up the place when we arrived, but I don’t think that’s possible right now. Faye, you follow me to the infirmary. We need you to get checked. You’re still having those migraines right now, right? Yeah, we can’t have that.”[/color] And so the Android brought Faye towards the Infirmary. When a certain lady with a black themed outfit was doing some computer work, she noticed the two female figures approaching her, and delayed finishing her computer work to greet them. [color=4C47FC]“Greetings. you are miss Amanda and… Faye correct?”[/color] [color=bbbbbb]“Yes. And your name is?”[/color] [color=4C47FC]“Ah, where are my manners? My name is Alexeya Yagayevich. I am the head doctor of this quaint little facility in Minsk. How can I help you?”[/color] [color=bbbbbb]“Well, can you check Miss Faye here for any potential injuries? I’m sure that you’ve heard of her right? Little girl wonders if she has a strong connection with the Magical world of the Fairies, she’d probably used a bit too much magical power and is suffering migraines, can you check that out?”[/color] [color=4C47FC]“Hmm? Ah, of course! Miss Faye Hayward from Britain. Yes, yes. Let me prepare my equipment for a moment alright? if she’s suffering from migraines then we’d probably need some stronger stuff right now. Please wait a short while alright?”[/color] As the woman walked towards the back of the infirmary, seemingly preparing some stuff. Amanda looked at Faye, her eyes having full intent on making sure that she’s okay. [color=bbbbbb]“Faye. I’m not leaving you with that woman alone okay? If you feel some discomfort then tell me. I’ll be right by your side.”[/color] [color=bbbbbb]"As for you Scarlet. Do you need me to bandage up your wounds?"[/color] Amanda asked. Grabbing the nearest First aid box and revealing it's contents. [color=bbbbbb]"Just so you know I am trained in first aid, kind of a requirement if you're a senior agent."[/color] [hr] [centre][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/211121/edcf8803a1397607e7f2439f06c72910.png[/img][/centre] [@Martian][@King Cosmos] [color=aa35a0]“Sooo. How was he?”[/color] Madeleine certainly didn’t expect Morgana to meet him. In truth, Madeleine’s encounter with him didn’t originally start on the best of terms. Some villagers were reporting to him of a certain ‘Demon infestation’ during the days of old, and he and her came to blows. Her magic against his Sword Mastery. In truth, Madeleine didn’t even think that the both of them would be good friends after that. But, as the old adage goes. Time heals all wounds. He learned of the true nature of Demons, and his demeanor changed greatly as the years went by. It was Madeleine who proposed to him and his wife that they probably should play a more active role in Germany after the country’s destruction in World War 2, even teaming up with him and the rest of the big figures of Germany in forming that little coal and steel project, and moving it forward into its current form today. [color=aa35a0]“I told you Siegfried’s a fun guy right? Sure he looks big and burly and all, but he’s mellowed out a lot as the centuries go by. Now, I’ve just got news from agent Mosley that he knows where the Roggenwolf is located. It’s near the Europaturm, we can talk about my exploits with him on the way. Siegfried and Kriemhild are the two power couples of Germany. There are tons of stories involving both of them.”[/color] And sure enough, Madeleine blabbered about the legend and his wife’s story throughout German history, regaling Morgana about tales of adventures long in the past. Her tone sounds incredibly jovial, not like the more demure and calm manner Madeleine usually takes on. Morgana can easily tell that she and Siegfried have a long history with each other. Eventually the duo arrived at the Palm Garden. Meeting Xaviron who is waiting beside his car. [color=aa35a0]“Hey Xaviron. Just introduced Siegfried to Morgana here. Let me tell you, the face of Morgana when she realized who she’s meeting with is PRICELESS, PRICELESS I TELL YOU. Seriously Morgana, are you that shocked by Siegfried’s presence? Like, I know deities have a strong presence magically, but I never thought someone as knowledgeable as you could be so… ‘awed’ by his presence. Heaven and Hell above.”[/color] The Demonic woman then coughed a little bit, returning to her more mature expression, knowing what the task requires of her right now. [color=aa35a0]“Anyway, Xaviron. Brief me on this Roggenwolf. I assume that the wolf’s inside this garden right? What else do we need to know?”[/color]