[b][b][h3]Orpheuz Paladice and [color=82ca9d]???[/color] [/h3][/b][/b] [b]"You be surprised what insane things people will do for what is important to them, perhaps we have all a tinge of madness in us? Make your judgements in time as I will. Until we meet again, demoness. Good luck."[/b] Orpheuz offered a lazy salute. Then he waited for a few moments to hear Andras replies if there would be any, before he simply began to walk off. Leaving Andras to prep for her next fight. [i]'They will most certainly not be here, but someone might still know something. The bar over yonder seems to be a good place to start.' [/i]Orpheuz placed both hos his hands into his jacket pockets as he made his way towards the bar section, as he got closer he noticed a girl with pink hair. [i]'That girl... yes that's definitely her.'[/i] Orpheuz movements gradually began to speed up, but he still moved in such a manner to avoid bumping into someone. Not too far away from him, another young man was rising up through what seemed to be a broken table. Suzakura was brushing himself off. [color=8493ca]"That fucking sack of fishshit got what he deserved!"[/color] Someone too short to be seen, screamed towards Suzakura from over where he first had stood watching the fights with disinterest. [color=82ca9d][b]"Friggin heck, I was in the middle of my damn introduction phase. That was totally uncool. Eh what? Are you trying to tell me the fight is over already? What kind of dumb rules are you playing by? Ehh?! You know what? Whatever! I have more important things to do than fight some low tier Mr Muscle posterboy in a ring that is clearly too weak to hold me."[/b][/color] Suzakura protested and rose up from the announcer's lap, while making stretching attempts as he heard all his cords in his spine smack back into place again. [color=82ca9d][b]"Allright, Holy hells I need a drink..."[/b][/color] The bully pinched the bridge of his nose with his fingers as he began wading past the various people, who despite all their cheering, knew to stay the hell away from him. The bar wasn't too far away as he made his way towards it.[color=82ca9d][i] 'Oi... isn't that peachybitchy over there? Well, what do you know. It's a sign from the allmighty gods. Let's get into Suzaprize mood.'[/i][/color] He began to casually stroll over but was cut off along his way by some guy who dressed like those Clausewitz pansies. [color=82ca9d][i]'Whoa. You got some friggin nerve to get on my highway... damn Clauzwitz clown.'[/i][/color] The bully whistled slightly, in what could be admiration or that things were just about to get out of hand yet again. Orpheuz slid up next to Vera quite smoothly, looking first at the other people at the bar. None was present that he could recognize, so he set his eyes directly at the pink haired girl. [b]"I didn't expect to see you in this cesspool, what brings you here? Where is your other half? Where is Wolf?"[/b] Orpheuz orange eyes homed in on Vera's. Yet before any answers could be received another voice interupted. [color=82ca9d][b]"Yo! Did you watch my fight, pinkypants? Did it make you sweaty? I had to hold back on the guy and well, and me being me, I let the guy have this win cause he probably fails at everything else in life."[/b][/color] Suzakura said in a cheery manner, as he stepped up closer trying to place himself right between Vera and Orpheuz before his hand reached out and found itself on Orpheuz shoulder. [color=82ca9d][b]"Me and the little missy go way back, so would you be a proper gent and get the freck out of here allright?"[/b][/color] Suzakura blew some air right into the other young man's face and offered a smug grin as he sized him up. Orpheuz's gaze had left Vera, the moment he had heard the other young man approaching. His eyes had darted to the hand which now was placed on his shoulder, but soon it was lifted to meet the gaze of the bully.[color=82ca9d][b] "Whoa. Holy hells look at that glare, my friggin legs are shaking. Don't tell me, you are about to throw up?"[/b][/color] Suza said in a mocking manner to Orpheuz face. [b]"You do not address her like that, show some respect. And get your hands off me, scum!"[/b] Orpheuz orange eyes widened as there was a sudden change in temperature near him, as if there had been an instant change from winter to a hot summer. The military clad young man's hair began to flicker, before Suzakura's arm was forcefully lifted by some unseen force from Orpheuz's shoulder. And then the bully was lifted off his feet alltogether by the same invisible force, into a cross-like manner before being violently hurled several meters away, while at the same time not hitting anyone else. The bully landed safely on his back against the floor. [color=82ca9d][b]"Hey! What the friggin heck do you think you are doing punk?"[/b][/color] Suzakura barked towards the military clad person, as he threw himself back up to his feet using just one of his arms, and from a prone position too. [b]"Swatting a buzzing fly."[/b] Orpheuz replied as he gave the bully a distant glare. [color=82ca9d][b]"Holy hells we've got a badasss! Ooooh! I am literally flipping out of my friggin sandals in fear! Allright, I get it, you want to show off to miss C-Cup minus! Go on right ahead, but once she's seen the Suza, you know that's the only way to Cure-ya. Well, since I am feeling generous today and is in need of some good milk, I am gonna let you off the hook today, but I expect to see your Clausewitzy wiseguy ass in front of the Kiburi school in three days from now. So I can properly teach you a lesson about who rules this place.[/b][/color]" Suzakura made a clicking sound with his mouth and then a snap with his finger, then twirled on his feet and began to walk off. Orpheuz watched as the bully vanished in the crowd, then turned back to look at Vera. [b]"I see things haven't changed by much here. Ahh, but you are probably wondering who I am? My name is Orpheuz. I am a traveller in search for the holiest of things. Perhaps you can tell me where to find this girl?"[/b] He reached inside of his pocket to hold up a photograph of a blonde girl. [@KillamriX88][@Crowvette]