Ashe looked at the suprised or simply friendly faces of the people gathered, even as more would drive or walk towards the mansion. As she stepped out of her portal, it would soon close leaving small traces of, what she called magic wisps that flew up in the air and disappeared. Some of the others started talking to each other describing their powers. "Seeing the dead" was the sentence that drew Ashe's attention the most. That was clearly a necromancer to be. A good friend to have or a very fun enemy. All the books she read indicated that necromancy was bad but those were books and real life...real life doesn't usually follow the rules set by books. One of the women moved her hand and flowers grew around Ashe's feet. Stepping on them to prove to herself that those are actual flowers and some sort of illusion magic, Ashe nodded to herself. A druid of sorts. This group of theirs proved to be very interesting, each with different magic types. An educated guess would be that this benefactor of theirs either understands all types of magic, which would be hard to believe for a mere human to be able to learn in such a small period of time or that their benefactor was not human. One of the creatures the letters spoke about. As one of the gathered mages approached the door and tried to open it something strange happened. A feeling. Something magical. Ashe's attention was fixated on the house and no matter how much she tried to look away or summon her powers, she couldn't and then the mansion started repairing itself. Suddenly they were put on the ground as the spell that captured them faded. Ashe felt drained, as if her magic and the other's magic was drained of them to allow the house to awaken. Once more, the door was opened and this time, something akin to breathing from the house could be felt. Magic was in the air and it was thick. A house cannot breathe unless, if the books were true, it was possessed and if a mansion this big would be possessed then her second hypothesis was confirmed. The benefactor wasn't human. Soon Ashe found herself imobile and lifted in the air. Herself and 3 more, were being drawn to the mansion. "[color=gold]Put me down you pile of wooden shit! Put me down this instant or I'll make sure to burn you down after I free myself! [/color]" shouted Ashe at the mansion. Nothing happened and she was being pulled even faster towards it. With a deep breath, Ashe opened a portal right in front of her and another behind the group. As she was pulled towards it, she went through, appeared on the other side and felt jerked back to the mansion. Stronger this time. The battle lost with the magic that pulled her inside, Ashe let herself be carried. Saving her strength for later. Eventually, the group that was floated inside was placed on a couch. Drinks floating in front of them. Picking something alcoholic from the selection, Ashe looked around. Drink in hand. "[color=gold] Chill down princess. It's magic. Haven't you seen any movies? Someone is flexing their magic muscles to show us they're the boss. Think about it, if they wanted us dead, we would be already. Have a drink and wait for it. Worst case scenario, hold tight to the couch. I can't promise where we'll end up but it'll be better than here. [/color]" said Ashe to Alora ([@MagratheanWhale]) as she shouted.