[quote=@SSW] What kind of backseat GMing is this? It's still an interest check, the RP isn't even up yet. [/quote] It's not backseatting. It's a fair question. It might just BE an IC, but that doesn't make [@Rezod92]'s question any less valid. Add to that, he and Irish were already reserved before I made the IC public, so it's more than within his rights to ask the question. Especially, since I pinged you to follow-up myself, and you didn't give me any acknowledgement or progress, unlike Silverstein. I'm not as on top of people for sheets, as I should be, due to my work taking up most of my day, so I'm more than appreciative of him for doing check ins. If you really wanna get snippy about it, do take into account that its been over a week, and with the exception of [i][b]you[/b][/i], everyone else has a Master and Servant - 5/7 are locked with the reserved Archer pending review, and the reserved Caster with nothing to show.