[b]Isabelle[/b] "Not really" The Unseen Goose is fast. Faster than it should be considering how heavy it is, how much it relies on its stealth systems. You get the immediate sense that Ada is pushing the limits of neural mesh here, translating her own physicality into the utmost amount of technical speed and strength that can be squeezed out of her equipment. It wouldn't be safe for a weaker pilot to do the same. There's the briefest shriek of engines and the shimmering of air as it instantly heats behind the Unseen Goose. The hit is with her shield, already held at the ready, and it's square to the center of mass of Emberlight. Metal groans and buckles. Your metal, your structural supports. It broke right through your shields. You feel it like getting punched in the gut. Actually, more like pile-driven in the gut with a boulder. It knocks the wind out of you and it hurts like crazy. [Take [b]Insecure[/b] from Ada's return fight] "You know what's dumb about that trick? You did it for nothing." She raises her sword above her head, flips it so the point is aimed downwards. "What's the point? You gave away your tech, your threw away your honor. And for what? You don't even want anything out of this competition!" She's putting energy from her core into the sword, powering it up to full capacity. It whirs and hums, the exterior glowing with white hot crystal fire energy that tinges towards blue as it grows more intense. She'd be vulnerable now, but she knows you're recovering, that you can't get yourself moving just yet and she's using that time. "I've got people to feed! A whole godsdamn family that needs me. Someday, TC's going to be mine, and you and Adriana can fucking deal with it!" She brings down the sword. There's a bright flash. The light reaches your eyes about one thousandth of a second ahead of the shockwave, just fast enough for you to register it before the explosion hits you and the whole building crumbles. The sound of an intense boom overwhelms your ears even within the cockpit as all the air bursts outwards in a massive pressure differential. What was once solid ground explodes in rocks and shrapnel, the world turns to a rain of dust and debris in every direction and you are falling, turning, and tumbling. [[b]Stagger[/b] from the destructive attack, both literally and mechanically. Also, mark your Coveted Destiny and take your XP for that. Ada's designs are close enough to your own to covet that destiny.] *** [b]Dolly[/b] Have you done this with another Hybrasilian before? Jade's done a lot for you of course, she can create sensation all over your body with the neural mesh and get quite a lot of direct feedback about how you're enjoying yourself. She might argue that this isn't really all that much different. You're still in the cockpit, still wearing the neural mesh, still getting that same sort of translated sensation. But there's a way Ksharta moves that's different. There's a raw pleasure in her body, translated directly into her mecha and sent directly to you. A Hybrasilian sort of pleasure, a sort of movement that you yourself have made before, one that Jade hasn't ever considered herself, might not even be able to do unless you got in a different mecha and let her have at you that way. It's sort of like playing with a mirror of yourself. Almost. She's a tad shorter and thicker than you are (both in height and reflective of her mecha build), but that just adds to the strength of her thighs as they press against you and she moans. You're familiar with Hybrasilian customs of course, you've read and written so much fanfic. This isn't a one-off moment of pleasure. Not with someone young like Ksharta. Jade's pushing her to lose herself here, and she's going to expect more of out this. You and Jade are promising her that with this tactic. Expect to spend the night with her, and from there...well you'll see how things work out but this might be [i]her[/i] first big crush. [b]Jade[/b] Your plan is working. You're taking in a new follower here. Ksharta is committing herself to you. This is easier with a Hybrasilian follower because you've got a massive databank on their customs and behaviors. And their physiology. Even with just your legs free, you know where to touch, where to press. You've had so much practice with Dolly too, you can make Ksharta utterly lose herself in the moment. She wasn't expecting this at all, how could she have? You know that the way Ksharta is moving and moaning, this is intense pleasure for her. You had to make it that intense or she wouldn't have lost focus, but that plays into Hybrasilian custom as well. You understand that if you abandon her after this, she will be extremely hurt. You've really committed yourself and Dolly here, but you've basically disabled her in the process. She can't position to fire her autocannon, isn't even thinking about it in this moment, and that gives you a chance to try and do something even pinned by the net as you are. You have an opportunity to turn the fight around, she won't even be mad. [Whatever you do next, roll to entice] *** [b]Solarel[/b] The crowds are going nuts. The Bezorel is falling apart, it's a miracle you can move in the thing at all with the way the legs were stabbed out. The announcers are trying to bet how long that's going to last before you lock up completely. But there's actually one downside to the last move you pulled, in a sense. Well, many downsides considering that Mirror is gonna be pissed and your underworld contacts are going to be calling in a lot of favors for all this. But one immediate downside is that the cancellation of Mirror's big attack has every camera on her. Everybody wants to know what happened and that means the attention is off you, close as you are. Even the flamethrowers are uninteresting, it's the Gods-Smiting Whip that everybody wants to pay attention to now. [b]Mirror[/b] Every camera is on you. Well no, that's not right. Every single camera is trying to figure out what went wrong. Did one of your tails give out? Did Solarel deploy a secret weapon that everybody missed? It's happened before, maybe a missile came around or there was a laser weapon outside the spectrum of visible light that the crews didn't think to look for. Everyone wanted to see that final attack, and now they want to know why it didn't happen. There's going to be a lot of guessing, speculation, and conspiracy theories. Some of those conspiracy theories are going to be right too. Of course, that's probably the last thing on your mind now, but you might think about it later.