There's no question, no hesitation. Kalaya is up and hugging the older knight as soon as the impulse registers. The words follow soon after, that it wasn't her fault - neither Kalaya's nor Petony's - for what happened. That, despite how things played out, she was thankful - thankful for Petony's rescue, for her being there, for her [i]caring[/i]. And thankful that this woman, this wonderful woman, believed in her. She'd been the first, you know? On that fateful day Kalaya wondered into an otherwise immaterial inn. Petony hadn't just taken her under her wing that evening. She'd shown Kalaya that maybe yes, she could make it out in the world. She wasn't just some obscure joke. She could make a difference. Together they'd saved that farmstead and forged a bond in steel and mud. The bond has grown through Turtlehead and deeper again when she saw her on the barge. It's a bond of trust, of shared interest and support. Where you want to be able to share a drink and spill out all the problems you face, without judgement. The kind where you want to find the person to share whatever has just happened to you - both good and bad. The kind that Kalaya will walk through any number of demons and fires to preserve. It's a bond of friendship, a bond of common interests and of love. Yes. Love. Not the kind that Kalaya and Ven share, but the kind that Kalaya would otherwise only find within Lilly. Whatever else happens next, Petony - this woman considers you her [i]Sister.[/i] Sister of battle, Sister of blade, Sister of knighthood. [i]Family[/i].