[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/6kgzYv2.png[/img] [color=silver]L A D Y T H E A & P R I N C E F E L I X[/color][/center] [sub][sup]L O C A T I O N : C A E S I O N I A N G U E S T R O O M][/sup][/sub] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/0hgKymt.png[/img][/center] [color=silver]The world had just stopped spinning and Thea was beginning to calm some, close to drifting off into blissful sleep, when the light was turned on and she jumped a little. A voice hit her ears and she was filled with excitement and dread all at the same time. His words registered with her and that sadness came crashing into her once again as she let out a mirthless laugh. [color=#035E7B]”I ought not be here, I don’t belong at the ball, my mother barely wants to look at me. It seems I’m unwanted by all…”[/color] She said as she threw her arms up, then let them fall beside her. [color=#035E7B]”I suppose that’s not entirely true.”[/color] She slowly began sitting herself up, realizing her face felt incredibly numb. [color=#035E7B]”My father wanted me. Oh, he LOVED me.”[/color] She found an odd spot on the floor and focused in on it, thoughtlessly speaking as she did so. [color=#035E7B]”Yes, see, he loved me more than he should have.”[/color] She let out a giggle, but there was something dark and concerning about that giggle. The prince carefully watched as she trickled information from her drunken lips. It was a toxic conversation, now lingering between them. The words danced around in the shadows of the room, like a secret aftermath of the party, to which he was only being forced to join. [color=#035E7B]”But shhh, I’m not supposed to tell anyone. Otherwise Leo will be next.”[/color] She said as she pressed a finger to her lips, still staring at that spot as tears slipped down her face now and hit the skirt of her nightgown. Again, she was making a plea for his help to save her dear brother. [color=c29e85] “If you are not supposed to be telling anyone, then you ought not to be getting so inebriated,”[/color] he spoke while moving closer to her. His own shadow casting its lots through the bedroom. During his youth, he occasionally pondered his future wife. He had imagined someone like Beatrice. She would be well-trained. Her fingers would be light as they made their touches. She would stand and sit perfectly erect with her head held high. Her grace would be like a silent flutter, and all of this would somehow be really genuine. Perhaps, he had spent too much time pondering in his imagination and was allowing his boyish notions to get in the way of his relationship with Lady Thea. No, there was still something else. It was a fact that he felt sorry for the young lady. The feeling stood in the middle of the emptiness that he always had for her when they were together. The feeling cast its own small flame against the loneliness that enveloped the empty memories they shared. And as he thought of her downcast gaze after the dance, he corrected himself. [color=c29e85]“Forgive me,”[/color] He found it difficult to be gentle with her. For the past months, she had been nothing but trouble for him, throwing his reputation into the depths of the seas. It all seemed to happen without remorse from her. And yet, here she was, pleadingly sitting upon a bed for him. He understood just enough. [color=c29e85] “My love,”[/color] his body bent towards her, kneeling by the bedside. His hand reached out and stroked her cheek. It was blushed with delicacy. [color=c29e85] “You have been through too much, my dear.”[/color] [color=c29e85]“Please, rest, you do not need to speak,”[/color] he thought of getting a servant to help her, but thought in such a state, she would embarrassingly jeopardize herself. His initial words caused her heart to sink as she began to wonder if he actually cared about anything she said, if he actually cared about her. Would he be another that just wished for her to keep her problems buried, hidden deep within herself for all of eternity. Of course he did, she had to appear as the perfect bride. She was to be a princess, she need not have any flaws. To speak her mind wasn’t something she’d ever be allowed to do. It was his next actions that softened her some, the warmth of his hand pulling her eyes up to meet his. Red rimmed eyes stared at him as she trembled some and sadness gripped her once more. [color=#035E7B]”Love…”[/color] The single word left her lips in almost a longing plea. A small laugh escaped her, but there was deep despair there. [color=#035E7B]”Oh how I wish you actually loved me, but you don’t. How could you?”[/color] Her face turned from his once more as tears began to fall again. [color=#035E7B]”All I am is a broken doll, my father made sure of that. All I’m good for is being discarded, forgotten.”[/color] Her words came out in little more than a whisper as she began regretting not throwing herself from that balcony. Prince Felix said nothing for a moment. His hand steadied against her feeble nature. His eyes studied her through the darkness in the room. A pale gentle moonlight from the window cast on Thea. It outlined her silhouette and glittered the milk of her skin, like that of a porcelain doll. And, although words kindled in him morbid thoughts, the prince knew better. She was terribly ill, and he was certain she was not entirely sure of what she was saying to him. His eyes looked away from her briefly and dwelt somewhere benign next to the bed. She had said many things, and he could not leave them untouched. Corruption would never be a surprise, but how nobility handles such atrocities was an entirely different matter. He let out a breath and looked at her, again. [color=c29e85] “My Lady, you are not well,”[/color] he tried to assure her. His hand brushed several strands of hair from her face, and then, touched against her shoulder. His body began straightening, but his eyes continued to study her, [color=c29e85] “Please, lie down,”[/color] his voice strengthened with the command as his other hand took hold of her and began to lean her numb body into the bedding. [color=c29e85] “I won’t let anyone harm you. You are safe with me.”[/color] Thea’s brows furrowed as his words hit her. Not well? He thought she was unwell? Did he think she was crazy? Would that be surprising? Everyone else seemed to think she was, so why shouldn’t he? Still, there was something about it that frustrated her. He went on to urge her to lie down, making promises to not let anyone harm her and claiming she was safe with him. She didn’t doubt he meant what he said, but she couldn’t get past that first statement. All she wanted was for one person to realize she wasn’t crazy, to understand her pain, to help her…to love her. [color=#035E7B]”You think I’m insane…while I am broken, I am not unwell. Truly, Felix, I’m perfectly fine.”[/color] She said as she shooed him away from her before standing. The room spun some, but she kept her footing. [color=#035E7B]”This was a mistake….”[/color] She mumbled before turning to head for the door. Prince Felix stood from the bed quickly after Lady Thea began for the door. She was acting foolishly on multiple accounts. He believed she may forget this whole ordeal and broaching the subject matter would take some patience. Now was hardly a good time. She had drunk too much, and he saw nothing heroic in prying more information out of the exhausted woman. It would have been cruel to indulge her feelings in such a state. [color=c29e85] “My lady,”[/color] the Prince walked towards her, trying to catch her. [color=c29e85] “My love, you are not insane. You are making statements you shall regret by morning. You are distraught enough. Please, do not leave.”[/color] He hesitated, as his hand grasped her arm. He thought of what her brother had said as he made his next suggestion, [color=c29e85]“Or at least, allow me to escort you to your room.”[/color] The prospect of allowing her to leave his guestroom in such a state sounded disturbing. He imagined her pulling him into another laughable situation, in which he would have to strategically maneuver in his favor — an example scenario of her brokenness; some newly formed habit she was trying to avoid; and yet, he found himself completely powerless to her. She was not a broken doll. [color=c29e85]“My Lady has been through a lot. And, I would prefer it if she stayed here, with me,”[/color] his eyes looked into hers. There were those odd eyes again. He wanted to see past them, and he wanted to believe the fear he felt, when he looked into them, would slowly go away with time. However, he was beginning to wonder if it was the burden that he had been afraid of the whole time.[color=c29e85]“Please…”[/color] he pulled her close to him, letting his arms embrace her. He could smell the perfume of her hair. It was gentle and enjoyable and nothing like the disaster toiling in her life. He could feel her small body breathing, as his hand pressed against the white of her back. There was something else about her he feared. It was not her past; for now, he would save those answers for later. [color=c29e85] “Don’t go anywhere.”[/color] Thea wanted to scream at him, to demand he stop calling her his love unless he truly meant it. She wanted to demand he let her go, that he leave her be as she fled back to her own room. She wanted to beg him to break off the engagement, to free her from marrying someone who could not love her. She wanted to do so many things, but then his eyes met hers once more and she heard his last plea. His arms wrapped around her, engulfing her in his warmth, and she finally realized just how tired she was. Not just physically, either. No, the emotional exhaustion she felt was catching up to her and she didn't know what to do about it. Perhaps, for now, she could just stay here with him. To listen to that plea and do as he said to make him happy. Wasn't that always what she did? Give in to make others happy? [color=#035E7B]”Fine…on one condition."[/color] She finally voiced as she forced herself out of his embrace to look up at him. [color=#035E7B]”I'm tired of being called 'my love' when it's painfully clear it's not meant. I am more than my title as well. I have a name, use it."[/color] Her gaze was unforgiving, demanding, and full of heartache. She just wanted to feel more than just a pretty little accessory for him to flaunt around. The prince respectfully laid her on the bed, pulling the covers over her body and proceeded to sleep on the floor next to her. There was no need for more drama. He unbuttoned his jacket and used it as his own cover. His rapier lay next to him, just in case.[/color]