Akyasha took a few steps back from the seemingly irritated Aleksiya and Giselle. "My, such thorny roses." She complained a small bit. Perhaps time had made her forget this rather thorny side of her fellow Children of Ichor. Then, there was that awful screaching. How vexing was that noise? Really now, whatever made that noise could be nothing good. The only good screech was from something she had summoned at one time. Still, she couldn't help but feel the other two vampires were looking down on her a small bit. Perhaps she was just a small bit irritable from just having woke up. Perhaps it from the hunger instead but the feeling irked on her a little. Really, such thoughts made her not feel quite like herself and she prayed in her heart to Ichor that this was just a temporary negativity inside her. Really, just because she was happy to see the both of them and gave them a hug it didn't mean that they had to be so negative about it. With a small sigh, she looked on to the horde of skeletons shambling at them. She really didn't feel like using Blood Magic to create a weapon since that would just make her hungry so she just looked around for an improvised weapon. As she turned around, she saw the perfect weapon. She smiled to herself and mouthed a word of thanks to Ichor. Behind her was the lid of the sarcophagus that had, at one point, imprisoned her. She dragged the heavy stone over her behind her, as one might expect from the woman that sent it sky-high in the first place. "My apologies, but I'll have to ask you all to go back to rest." The woman said to the group of skeletons as she made her way over towards the mob. When she got close, she took a swing at the closest few and bisected them fairly cleanly before the stone quickly dropped and smashed back into the ground. While this was fairly effective against these skeletons, she could tell it was going to tire her out quickly so she might as well use it to clear as much as she could. She swung it again and spun around once before releasing the slab and tossing it toward the horde of skeletons. Might as well take out as many as she could with that before she had to resort to slamming them all with her fists or something of the like. "Those stones can get really heavy when you're feeling under the weather." She commented, more to herself though loud enough for the others to hear.