[quote=@Webmaster] We are at that. Is it safe for me to be standing here at all with what you're going to do? [/quote] Certainly. We're well out of range of the spacetime effect I'm about to unleash. *Turns to face the planet, and what appears to be the mouths of two wormholes form in front of me. These are then enclosed within a bubble of warped spacetime. Sending it forward at close to the speed of light, I watch as it draws as close to the planet's surface as possible before snapping my fingers. Barely an attosecond later the bubble collapses, causing a destructive feedback loop with the enclosed wormholes that forces them to implode and release a majority of their energy into the surrounding area, destroying the world in the process* That's a good approximation of some of the abilities I mentioned earlier. *The wormhole stabilizes as a small black hole while the planet beyond it scatters into the surrounding space*