[center][url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/the-unseen-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210325/8905c84bc53f206157cad3ade7508475.png[/img][/url][/center] [center]After Fernstar disappeared from the Warrior's den, Maplestream stood and stretched her legs. She hadn't realized how badly she had needed that nap until she had sunk into her nest. Now that she had rested, she was suddenly very curious but also anxious about what had unfolded in camp while she had slept. As she emerged from the den, she made her way around the perimeter of camp, taking note of what her Clanmates were doing. Spidernose and Stonefall were near the fresh kill pile sharing tongues, and rather closely at that. [color=BA55D3][i]They'll be mates eventually, there's no doubting that"[/i][/color] she thought to herself assuredly. As she came to the trunk of the large tree that held the leader's den, she noticed a small tuft of Fernstar's calico fur peeking out and she heard the excited chirping she knew had to be Frogkit. She then noticed a few tail lengths away, the she-cat who had shown up with the two toms lounging around one corner of the tree trunk grooming her fur like she had just returned from a hunting patrol. Trying hard not to let her anxiety show, she padded up to the she-cat and meowed in an assertive tone, [color=BA55D3][b]"Fernstar has given me orders to guard you and your friends in the nursery during the evening. The key word there being [i]in[/i] so let's go."[/b][/color] She flicked her tail in the direction of the nursery on the other side of camp and the she-cat rose to her paws without a single meow. Maplestream couldn't help but think that had been too easy, but she was probably overreacting, like she did with a lot of things.[/center] [center]As they entered the nursery, the fur along her spine rose slightly as she noticed the two toms were not in the den. Where had they gone? Had no cat seen them leave? Why had they not been stopped? As the strange she-cat settled down towards the back wall of the den, Maplestream asked, [color=BA55D3][b]"Where are the two toms?"[/b][/color] She internally chided herself for not being able to control the quiver that tinged her meow. [color=708090][b]"Your leader told us we were not allowed to take from the Clan's fresh kill pile, so they went hunting. They haven't been gone that long. I may go out myself around sunhigh, as long as that's okay with you?"[/b][/color] Her mind raced thinking about what she should say, then finally she stammered, [color=BA55D3][b]"When Stonefall organizes the hunting patrol at sunhigh you can join them."[/b][/color] Turning towards the exit she decided she would begin her watch now. She wanted to be the first to spot the toms when they returned. As she rooted herself in front of the dense brambles her stomach growled, and she hoped she would have the chance to eat when the dawn hunting patrol returned.[/center]