[quote=@souleaterfan320] *attempts to block it with my arm, the white hot substance scraping against my armor leaving hairline scratches across its surface. I push through, reaching out for you, grabbing you by the head and I slam you to the ground multiple times, then slam my hammer into you, charged with the energy I absorbed from your attack* [color=662d91]And it's [i]annoying[/i] to hear you talk.[/color] [/quote] *Scowls ensnares your arm and the handle of the hammer in string, stopping its momentum* I think you’ve touched me enough, you freak. *Spins out of your grasp so quickly that I become a blur, and my foot slams into you with such force that the kinetic energy that passes through you ends up going through my one way barrier, down the hall, and shattering bits of structure on the other end from metal to grain*