[quote=@Zyx] *Continuing to search, I eventually hear a commotion coming from a nearby alley* This was always meant to be, Dean! Father always intended for me to fall, just as he always intended for you to meet your end by my hand, just like Michael! *Drawing closer, I round the corner and come face to face with Dean Winchester. In his hand is the Colt, the one false hope he and his brother had of killing me and preventing the Apocalypse* And don't worry, I fully intend to give my coward of a brother exactly what he deserves once I'm finished with you. *I slip my hands into my pockets* You really should have said yes when he asked, though. You might have had a chance then... but now that I've taken control of my true vessel? *I shrug, the motion carries a strange energy of casualness in spite of the grim circumstances and surroundings* I'd be surprised if you lasted more than a second. [/quote] [right][b]Dean[/b] *Brandishes the Colt, aiming it directly at the monster that's taken control of his brother* I know you're still in there Sammy! You have to fight him, you hear me? You can't just give up and let this son of a bitch win! Not after everything he's done to the world! To us![/right] *I shake my head* Sammy's gone Dean. Has been for a while, actually. It's just me in here now. So if you're going to shoot- *Gestures to the gun in his hand* Then you might as well do it already. [right][b]Dean[/b] *The hand with which he holds the gun shakes, though his finger never leaves the trigger* Goddamn it Sammy! I know you can hear me! Just fight back![/right] *I sigh before rushing forward at superhuman speed to grab him by the throat, smacking the revolver from his hand effortlessly* Don't say I didn't give you the opportunity, Dean. *My eyes flare red once more as I begin to squeeze, slowly strangling the life from his body. Before I can deliver a killing blow, however, a blinding light rockets down into Dean's body - sending me flying into a building on the opposite side of the street. The light subsides as I get to my feet, though the recognition in my eyes does not* [i]Michael...[/i]