Not you too, Jil. Not you too. In the depths of Salib, he bore his heart to you, trusting you would not abuse the power he surrendered willingly. You held him as his life bled out. Waited, when you could've left him in the dark. But already, his eyes collect the facts before him, and his mind dutifully sorts everything to its proper place. The Lanterns are accustomed to cruel and abusive leaders. To get what they want, they expect they will have to steal, scheme, or otherwise take for themselves. That is why Jil threatened you during the meeting. That is why she is preparing to shoot you now. His movements are sluggish, and they are neither threat nor act. His heart sinks, and the rest of him is drawn down with it. "You ought to chew that slowly. It'll taste better, and you won't get a stomachache." A hand shakes in the general direction of a chair; sized for him, it'll suit her fine. "Go on. I'm...not really hungry." Consider it a successful heist of unwatched supplies, if it makes you feel any better.