[quote=EllfenBrofis] You just keep on getting more and more ideas don't ya xD If this works out good you could probably make a nice story or fanfiction (although its technically not a fanfiction lol) and post it somewhere since you have so much detail already.Dude as soon as I sneaked past the bear when the game started out I thought I was a ninja until the real shit started happening xD lmfao then I thought I was rich once I got 500 gold, until I saw how much a frikkin horse cost o-o Lots of the NPCs get on my nerves, I kinda wish there would be a separate story line where you get to help Alduin destroy stuff. I like destruction xD Today I stood around instead of following one of the guys at the beginning just so I could listen to Alduin talk and I had the biggest 'O-O oh sh-' moment ever when he landed RIGHT INFRONT OF MY FACE and when I backed up he walked closer, luckily I was right infront of the door so when I backed up I went into the keep. But it was so cool xD I'm thinking about making a Skyrim rp on here, but I gotta think of the details more. [/quote] XD I personally think dragons are smexy, and it's a shame you have to kill so many in Skyrim. I would pay the price of Skyrim a second time for a DLC that allows me to BE a dragon. Aduin would've been my god in skyrim if possible. Sadly in order to finish the story line you have to kill him. I was tempted at reading your post to boot up Skyrim and fight Alduin to death in the keep (We know how this would end). And I sorta have it partially down in a story following an Avian subspecies Divitian, and I am keeping it all in a google document and several flash drive copies. I'M NOT LOSING THIS INFORMATION! Also, no, it would not technically be a fanfic as I made this all up myself. (Though, the Halycon were inspired, the Divitians were entirely my idea, as were the Akin'Is. But I take my psionic system from SCII, as I've very much enjoyed that series.)