[quote=@souleaterfan320] *my 'skin' peels from the heat, revealing a crystalline form through the open patches* [color=662d91]Such defiance.. and ignorance. A god lay before you, and yet you still squirm. Perhaps I should give you a reason to fear.[/color] *flits toward you, hitting you from an unseen direction with reality warping power, and this happens 20 or so more times in a row, then I appear from seemingly nowhere, gripping you by the throat as I slam you into a wall, your feet dangling above the ground, as I pummel into your sternum with incredible power* [/quote] *Takes some of the initial hits, then blocks the rest after quickly learning* If I were to fear every man and woman who claimed themselves deities, I wouldn’t have as much fun as I do. *My hands harden and glean metallic, and I thrust one through your damaged skin, unleashing a bombardment of destructive blasts inside your body*