I was busy but I snuck it in before the deadline. I had trouble picking an element but I ended up choosing the one that I felt had the most contrast with her (initial) personality, and so would lead to opportunities for drama and character growth. Hope I didn't cause trouble for anyone. [hider=Yukiko] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/cuR2j9c.jpeg[/img][/center] [b]Name.[/b] Yukiko [b]Age.[/b] 25 [b]Gender.[/b] Female [b]Element.[/b] Air [b]Residence.[/b] Lower Ring [b]Occupation.[/b] Day Laborer [b]Who are you? [/b] Yukiko has a lot to say and not much of it is subtle or gentle. She will tell whoever wants to listen about her politics (an incoherent ideology dubbed Anarchro-Kuvirism), what people should be striving for (physical strength, inner toughness, self-reliance), if violence is an acceptable way to solve problems (almost always), what's wrong with technology (it makes people weak and passive), and what's wrong with modern society (same). If she has the chance she’ll talk about her theory that all of this will inevitably lead to either a long slide into oblivion as humans lose the ability to desire or accomplish anything unaided and no longer are worthy of being called human, or result in a massive and sudden outburst of violence that overturns everything. You can guess which one she wants. Though her thoughts are always restless, Yukiko's life is simple and dominated by repetitive cycles. She lives in a flop house in the lower ring that's built like a shoddy imitation of the capsule hotels found inside the inner rings; its minor miracle the place hasn't collapsed yet. All of her belongings fit into two large dufflebags, the only ones that would have any resale value are her phone and the old conventional pistol she keeps stashed away for self-defense. When there's jobs that pay well, or when rent is creeping up, she puts in long hours doing whatever needs doing around one of the endless construction sites in the lower ring. She doesn't have the skill for fine work, but she's strong and has the stamina to keep going, and that is enough. Nothing is ever finished being built, especially when so many are lost to poor construction or the RSF clearing out "unauthorized" buildings. When she has the time she trains martial arts with a crew of local toughs, they all get along well even if they have trouble finding a consistent gym. Whether she is working or training, she keeps at it until the sheer exhaustion stops her, going to be drenched in sweat every night, and relaxing by reading whatever bootleg literature is circulating around or listening to radio broadcasts full of anger and conspiracy theories. That's most of what there is to her routine, she doesn't venture far from her neighborhood, after her last stint in jail the RSF gave her an exhaustive list of conditions specifying everything from what areas she can travel through to the hours she has to stay off the streets. The RSF might be understaffed in the lower ring but she would prefer not to play the odds by getting lost in an unfamiliar part of town and having a pack of them corner her. For all of Yukiko's bluster and confidence, there are many things she prefers not to discuss. If someone prods her she'll tell them that she grew up in Jiulong, a neighborhood in the lower ring that used to be where descendants of war refugees lived before a bit of "urban renewal" came to it. Sometimes she'll mention that she hasn't seen her family in a while or that she has a criminal record; those are other things that she doesn't want to dig into. What Yukiko buries deepest, underneath the anger, the striving for power, the judgment and the proud exterior is fear, the ever encroaching feeling that the world is ruled by uncaring, irresistible forces that will grind her into dust the same way they have countless others. [b]What is your opinion on Benders? [/b] In Yukiko’s mind, there were great benders in the past, people who shaped history; yet when the world saw their power they choose the wrong response. They treated as if they were gods or saviors; that is the road to stagnation, passivity, and slow decay. Instead of being inspired to emulate them, to sharpen oneself in hopes of being able to challenge them, they chose the path of awe and blind obedience. Non-benders lived in a sleepwalking state, going through the motions of life while trusting that the benders would tell them what to do, what to think, and take care of all the difficult problems in life. The Benders themselves grew self-assured, forgetting their own struggle and getting distracted by philosophical navel-gazing and robotic repetitions of the same motions. The panic was the result of weak minds, people so terrified of self-reliance and self-discovery that they would burn the world down in search of the Avatar before they would be willing to stand on their own two feet. As benders have disappeared, humanity has come to rely on an even more pernicious evil: high technology. Technology has supplanted benders because it has been better at coddling humankind, everyday these artificial gods are entrusted with more and more of the responsibilities of the human race. Although Yukiko hates the new order, she does not long for a return to the old one either, she dreams of something better: a time when every person, bender or non-bender can realize their own potential and fight their own battles instead of outsourcing them to someone or something they see as above them. Yukiko is uninterested in the teachings of the benders, their spirituality, their ways of training, but she does see value in learning from the biographical details of them. If someone succeeded in carving their name into history, their life is worthy of study and emulation, regardless of if they were a Bender or not. [b]Extra. [/b]Nothing at the moment NPC: [hider=Ah Jong] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Oq7D4uQ.jpeg[/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Ah Jong [b]Age:[/b] 35 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Residence:[/b] Lower Ring [b]Occupation:[/b] Labor Representative (officially) Low-level triad leader (unofficially) Ah Jong the guy you see in the neighborhood if you need to get something done. His biggest business is making sure construction work goes smoothly, and he has the right combination of friendships, bribes, and people willing to throw down in a street fight to make that happen. Yukiko connected with him during her stint in prison. On paper he’s an Earth Kingdom restorationist like the rest of his gang, but really he just cares about making money off his construction and Pai Sho rackets. Although she dislikes his politics, Yukiko admits he’s easy to talk to and a man of his word. He helps her find work, and she’s happy to do odd jobs for him, over the years they’ve developed a sort of brother and sister relationship [/hider] [/hider]