Oracle’s saving grace was her ability to Detect and be aware of the near future even in the heat of battle. Despite this, to move quickly enough out of the way of such a devastating attack proved impossible. It was no surprise she wasn’t used to such power. Not being the fastest flier, her Light Screen proved largely ineffective as it shattered when the Moonpulse contacted it. Half of Oracle’s back seared black and she tumbled in a spin towards the ground with the other three. Despite Antligon and Syressa almost absorbing some of the impact, Oracle was not in as ready a state as she might otherwise have been. While she usually would have tried to continue the fight, she saved her energy, feeling Ether and Tristan having returned, and Shaq’ti’s plan to teleport the three of them to safety. One wing was able to work on more or less controlling her spin and her descent somewhat. Before they teleported, she’d report to Ether that Forrest was engaging Taurus with Kangooroom and Halcrow. The Malamar seemed to be out of commission - perhaps the weakest battler of the three? “What a fucking idiot…” Tristan grumbled out loud, shaking his head. “Azelf, Mesprit, and Uxie,” he continued, cursing the situation they found themselves in. Luckily Ether had the situation well in hand. Well, as much as he could, at least. He didn’t need Shaq’ti to communicate that she hoped he would ensure the rest retreated safely. That was already the plan. Zen was, literally, a life saver here. Pandora was the only of Tristan’s team who was, more or less, forever grounded. When the Fissure tore through the landscape, Zen would Magnet Rise itself and use Telekinesis to lift Pandora to safety. Veritas and Vertigo rarely deigned to touch the ground. And having already passed Arine, it was already floating and trying to control its spin after being clipped by the Giga Impact, almost threatening to break one of its legs. Zen, however, couldn’t have anticipated that the Tauros was as agile as it was fast. Impossible that such a gargantuan creature was also so deft, it thought. Setting Pandora down, she was at the monster’s mercy, but she proved resourceful, just barely sliding away on some ice she made for herself. If she hadn’t, she likely would have been gored and split in two. Vertigo was tasked with meeting up with Forrest, Halcrow, and Kangooroom. The fastest of Tristan’s team, he was the best choice. Hovering just above the forest floor, he flew right for them, his mind reaching out to Forrest to let him know he was coming and that they were going to rendezvous back at Ranger Headquarters. This wasn’t a request or something to discuss. An order coming from a Pokemon, especially not one’s own, might have been disconcerting if the situation wasn’t so dire. Upon reaching the scene, Vertigo first wanted to ensure that Malamar was still down. Should it be, he would command the three of them to gather around him. None of Tristan’s pokemon had tried to teleport anyone or anything without physical contact. Tristan always considered it superfluous and unnecessarily draining, if not outright dangerous. In the meantime, he first attempted to use his Telekinetic power to hold Taurus in place. Should that fail, which was likely given his immensity, he would try to send Taurus back with a Psychic attack, if only to give them the moments they needed to teleport out of here. Ether coordinated the others: Veritas was to get in touch with (literally) Marionetta, Wickengu, and Arine; Aequitas was to catch up with Pandora, Zen, and Damselraed. Tristan and Ether were sticking around to make sure everyone was accounted for and got out of there safely. To the point of Ether throwing a Swift at the Tauros just to get its attention, if possible. Of course, it was only a matter of time before the Altaria made it down to them, so time was of the essence. They needed to move fast.