Location: Alavaris Ancient Garden [@Pyromania99][@VitaVitaAR][@Click This] [hr] The skeleton was indeed, thrown backwards from the force of Aleksiya’s backhand. The pile of bones crumbled near instantly, whatever magic holding it together falling apart as its body clattered to the street below. Giselle was not far behind, her bloody lance sweeping through the horde of skeletal remains before they even had a chance to react if they were even capable of it. Akyasha’s less conventional weapon proved to be just as effective. The ornate stone lid was heavy to be certain, but it was merely a trifle for a vampire to lift with relative ease. The first few fell easily between her strokes, and launching it towards a remaining distant group was just as clean. The heavy stone lid hurtled through the air before slamming against the skeletons with a loud, rather cacophonous noise that echoed along the buildings of the street that they would find themselves in. This had at one point, been one of the main roads to and from the city. It directly connected with the cathedral…all they’d have to do is follow it towards their objective. Unfortunately, it seemed as though the noise from the fighting had alerted the entire undead in the immediate vicinity to their presence. Several more skeletons would shamble from the alleyways, the doors to the buildings, even pulling themselves off the ground. A dozen? Two? Whatever fell magic was keeping these things going didn’t seem to be in short supply as they’d shamble towards the vampires. Thankfully the skeletons, while perhaps possessing supernatural strength, were not too quick. They were not armed very well, either. A handful were clutching rusty, old weapons - cleavers, sickles, pitchforks and some seemed to be clutching clubs that were slightly charred. The horde would lunge towards the vampires in an uncoordinated mess, two leaping towards Aleksiya, a slow overhead swing with a cleaver while the second made a clumsy attempt to grab her. Three engaged Akyasha, one making a slow thrust with a pitchfork, the other making an attempt to club her over the head with a well, club. The third merely ran at her with surprising agility. Giselle would find herself being attacked by a skeleton trying to slice her with a sickle while a second approached from behind attempting to whack her over the head with its makeshift spear. Another ghastly wail from down the street in the opposite direction they were heading. Perhaps it might not be a good idea to be out in the open like this for too terribly long with whatever that was skulking about. Location: Alavaris Squalid Ruins [@Psyker Landshark][@Asuras][@Erode] [hr] Dragan’s rapier found its mark on the unwitting dead. The shambling creature lowly gurgled as its heart was quite easily pierced by the bloody weapon…but it was not quite deceased. It grasped and grabbed at Dragan, the face of the once man contorted with fangs and patches of fur on its wound and filth covered body, its webbed fingers attempting to find purchase. The other two began walking, Illena sacrificing a digit in order to form a small familiar to scout with. It took quite a bit out of her to do it, surprisingly. Had she really become that weak? Regardless, the creature did scurry off, skittering down the balcony and heading towards the even more squalid looking area below. It would take time to return, if it even did…but useful information could be gleaned either way. The two would soon make their way to the end of the street, the entire place still as dark as ever…and it seemed just as treacherous. A group of the foul-smelling humanoids were shambling around the street accompanied by what seemed to be some sort of large…mosquito like insects that were dining on several deceased bodies. Their abdomen were swollen with the same putrid blood as the things they were feeding on…but at least they’d make for a slightly better meal than the beastly corpses themselves. The street continued down into the swampy, murky area below or continued towards the Cathedral. Unfortunately, these things were standing in their way. One of the beastly men turned to face the women, a low gurgle coming from its throat.