[@OddApproved] Ok so... the Sk8te member could use a little work. I'm not sure I was super clear about this, but members of Sk8te are not the people to have 'official' businesses. It's literally impossible for them to normally function in Delta City because of their lack of Net Bracers which are required for even the most basic of functions. They aren't connected to the one thing that makes living in the Megacities possible (I.e. The Net). The courier service thing is just something that sort of 'happened' over time. Outside of that, Sk8te members don't have jobs and their universal mantra is living life rather than spending each waking day working a job or being controlled by a computer system. That being said, the Heir looks great! I could definitely see that character work. Oki could probably use some more sci-fi elements to fit in the cyberpunk world, but outside of that she looks really good.