[hider=Ting] [Center][b][color=888B8D]Name:[/color][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220622/c396e378a2e5f99bbbd761b1a70bfe05.png[/img][/b] [b][color=888B8D]Appearance:[/color][/b] [img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/410301230821146624/989345323283546152/lpx9hlu0p4c61.jpg[/img] Ting wears a bright orange cloth around his abdomen, and while most Aron have bright and shiny armor, Ting's is a dull, tarnished steel, getting this way from years of not being polished. [I][color=888B8D]"And the road goes on, seeming ever longer on the way to Mandalay. "[/color][/i][hr][/Center] [b][color=888B8D]Species:[/color][/b] Aron [b][color=888B8D]Sex:[/color][/b] Male [b][color=888B8D]Age:[/color][/b] Ting is a young adult, around the equivalent of a 20 year old human [b][color=888B8D]Ability:[/color][/b] Rock Head [b][color=888B8D]Moves:[/color][/b] Head Smash, Harden, Metal Claw, Rock Tomb [b][color=888B8D]Guild Rank:[/color][/b] Recruit [b][color=888B8D]Equipment:[/color][/b] Ting carries scraps of iron for rations, and what little money he has. [b][color=888B8D]Personality:[/color][/b] Ting is a charitable sort, always wanting to lend a hand, but is more often than not held back by a distrust of others. He can occasionally be too stubborn for his own good, and is known to be somewhat paranoid of those who try to get to close. [b][color=888B8D]Bio:[/color][/b] Ting's first years were in Dunescar, under the iron rule of Rockheart. His life was, in a word, hell. Everywhere he went, the pokemon threw stones and insults at him constantly. Why did they hate him? And why did they hate others like him? Unfortunately for Ting, he would not get his answer for quite some time. Eventually, Ting grew tired of the constant terrorizing, and went to escape. Fleeing to the south, Ting eventually arrived in Wude. It wasn't until Ting made it to Wude that he finally began to learn of the world at large. The deific pokemon that were trying to take over the world, the ruler of Dunescar, Rockheart, and he would learn of the country to the south, Narvac. Narvac was a place that was rebuilding quickly, despite everything. Apparently a very prestigious hero had made his home there, and it had begun attracting people. Merchants, artisans, refugees, and would-be heroes ran to the country to try and make their way in the new world. Ting though to himself that he, too, could be one of these new heroes. But the journey there would be a long one, especially on foot. It would take him months if not years to make it to the city of Mandalay, where said hero is said to be at. But the journey of a thousand miles starts with the first step, and this was no exception. Being a hero meant you had to do hard thing like this right? So Ting set off, walking as far as his little legs could carry him. And when they couldn't get much farther, he would hail down carts and hitch rides, often times paying with berries he had gathered along the way, or, if they weren't enough, he'd just hide himself amongst the cargo, or otherwise hide, leaving during the cover of night. At long last, however, Ting found himself at the gates of Mandalay. It was busier than any place in Wude, or even Dunescar. He was unsure of what to do next, when he came upon a poster attached to a post near town. It was a recruitment poster for Songstream Hall, seeking out younger pokemon to become a new generation of heroes, led by none other than Kick, one of the legendary heroes of the Oblivion War. This was it, this was his chance, and he ran off towards the hall to start his new life. [b][color=888B8D]Trivia:[/color][/b] Ting's Hexcode is 888B8D. [/hider]