[color=ff9900]"Split up ?"[/color] Valentin answered maybe a bit more vigorously than would have been necessary. [color=ff9900]"We might find the room faster, but at the same time we'd probably lose each other in this maze!"[/color] Agreed, so far the building did look rather like one hell of a boring architectural design with only a few, but endlessly long corridors and floors sharing pretty much the same layout, but with so many offices and the very real possibility that entering one of them would drag them into a conversation with grumpy administrators inside who'd ask questions similar to those of Mr. Reinhardt... On the other hand, even if the rooms here followed a numbering system they'd be able to figure out soon, there still were so many of them! [color=ff9900]"Okay. How about if we split up, but only as far as we stay in the same corridor so each of us has at least a rough idea about where the other one is at any given time ? Then someone of us will either find A3B or we'll end up with nothing and can switch to the next part of the building together."[/color] A rather loud bang could be heard surging up the overly large staircase they had just used. Valentin carefully bowed his head over the stone railing to check what was going on, but the only thing he could see were fluctuations of light and shadow that indicated not one, but quite a few people had just entered the place. A mixture of joyful, but also a few more agitated conversations reached their ears, and soon part of the crowd from below separated itself and came up the stairs. The men were in uniform, but nowhere near full battle dress as they lacked any equipment, and continued talking to each other as they passed Amara and Valentin on their way to their offices. Valentin just stood there, looking at Amara with a bit of a helpless expression, and gestured with his hands slightly: [color=ff9900]"Did you see that ? They just ignored us! Guess it's all up to Mr. Reinhardt to compensate for everybody else's attitude in here!"[/color] Amara's companion let a few more seconds pass until the crowd had thoroughly dispersed, then went off towards one half of the corridor. A3B... how hard could that be to find ?