[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220428/2b5eb9e5c5d519db318ece6092d697bf.png[/img] [sub][color=7b5d92]✧ Location: Soft Haven - Bounty House ✧ Purse: 20 copper ✧ Interactions: ✧[/color][/sub][/center] At the end of the day even Eila abandoned him for the lure of the Bounty House. Surely he'd expected her to at least lecture while she walked, but she hadn't said a single word as she left him alone on the bridge. Ermes rolled his eyes as he pushed himself off the bridge's wall and stuffed his hands into his leather jacket pockets. Annoyance ran across his face as the shadows on his head danced furiously like a writing corpse. He was the last to enter the Bounty House, having missed the initial interaction but seeing that the loud mouthed dolt had clearly done something to garner everyone's attention. A man with blue tinted skin stood by a piano, watching as the brutish man (apparently named Kale-frick?) gave out his information to someone who looked equally as done with him. Lanky and blanky had coupled off once more. Again speaking amongst themselves while the other worked with the receptionist. One of the questions had caught Ermes's attention however, his eyes narrowing slightly before he let out a rather loud yawn of boredom and exhaustion. He didn't exactly like to talk about his employment, though he figured there were ways around it. He could easily say the truth while omitting important details, all he was at this point was a messenger so saying as much wouldn't be a lie. His inattentive babysitter however seemed more fixated on the circle etched into the floor ahead of them. He knew enough to know he didn't know jack about whatever that was, nor was he being paid to find out just yet. Ermes closed the door behind him, finding a spot behind the lanky man, pressed against the wall but with his eyes clearly glued to the back of his head. He didn't care for how much those two had been whispering since they'd arrived here, nor how silent everyone had seemed to have gotten. If something was going on, he'd make sure he had plenty of time to get out of dodge. While his gaze was mostly fixed on the pair, he kept Eila in his periphery, making sure she stayed in sight as he listened into kalefreaks interview. It appeared he had a way with words, literally, that kind of magic could be useful in his line of work. But it made him a likely adversary when trying to grab bounties. If he could Charm him away from one he'd wanted, they'd have a bad time.