Flicker also didn't attempt to make any further conversation as they headed toward the feasting tent. They could sense Aura was probably still feeling a bit off about that encounter, but they weren't really sure what else they could say to put her at ease. They weren't really good at small talk either, so after a while, they just sort drifted into their own thoughts, all the while keeping an eye out in case any other strangers tried to approach them so they could make sure they and Aura could avoid them. Eventually, they reached the tent without further incident, and found not only has the aasimar been right about the water genasi being there, but that she was with Jormund and Plasm as well. The fire genasi gave a small, involuntary snort at this little coincidence, before raising their hand in a slight wave at the newcomer, who asked if they were friends of Jormund's. [color=f7941d]"Friends, traveling companions, chaperones,"[/color] Flicker answered. [color=f7941d]"It's all the same thing really."[/color] When they noticed the water genasi looking over at Plasm, they quickly spoke up. [color=f7941d]"Oh that's Plasm, they're..."[/color] They looked at the plasmoid. [color=f7941d]"They're harmless... mostly."[/color] They quickly turned their attention back to Cascade, raising their eyebrow as they looked between her and Jormund. [color=f7941d]"You one of his many fans, then?"[/color]