[center][h1]“Ever’body good?”[/h1][/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/CoajpQy.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/7Cqtvt8.png[/img][/center] Collaborative post with [@sail3695][hr] There she stood, perfectly unscathed as she glanced over the bruises scattered about on the face of her 18-year-old patient. In the short time Alana had known Abigail, the girl had been shot and brutally beaten, and she couldn't help but feel pity for her. It's as if she was being handed one misfortune after the next. Despite her strength and resilience, such young soul shouldn't have to go through these harrowing events, and it pained Alana to once more have to tend to her wounds. Once satisfied with the vitals check, Alana was about to head back out of the infirmary when the young girl stirred herself awake, the grogginess evident from her expression a sure tell the cocktail of meds had done its job. "Hey there, Abby, I hope you're feeling better." Her condition could have been worse, but the scan that was conducted upon their immediate return to the ship the night prior showed no internal bleeding nor damage. Overall the prognosis was good, and she just had to reduce the swelling as well as the pain and keep monitoring. "Your swelling has gone down some but since you're gonna be mighty sore for the foreseeable future, I'll let the captain know you'll be on bedrest until further notice. Don't need him trying to prod you to get back out on that ramp." Most times she woke, Abby conjured she’d been dreamin’, even when she couldn’t recollect no part of the dream. Not this time. Doc’s voice come onta her mind like the first star in an empty black sky. She blinked, lifted a hand tah rub tha sleep from ‘er eyes…that’s when she found she could see outta her right eye agin…an’ seen the Doc, lookin’ down on her. She always knew Alana’s pretty, but the care and kindness in her eyes proved that fact beyond all doubt. When she spoke, ‘er voice come thick as molasses an’ jest as hard fer her tongue tah navigate. “How long?” Abby slurred like she had three Vodka Boom-Booms. “How long I been here?” Poor girl was straining to speak. Alana placed the palm of her hand on Abby's shoulder as reassurance. "You ain't been out long, just overnight." She walked away from Abby for a moment, intending on providing additional comfort. "Let me get some water for ya, and if you want I can always ask one of the crew to cook up something for you." She reached inside the cold storage unit to pull out a bottle before walking right back. "Alternatively, if you're having a hard time swallowing, I can always put in an IV to help. All your choice, of course." “Naw,” her voice come out sleepy. “I’m good. Thank yew,” Abby took tha water. She pressed an elbow inta tha paddin’ tah rise up. As she did, tha sheet tumbled down ‘round her. “Huh.” the girl said at first sight of them bruises on ‘er body. “I near plumb forgot.” The first swallow ‘o’ water was a cool revival. She swished it about inside ‘er mouth afore sendin’ it down. “We all copasetic?” she asked the Doc. “Ever’body good?” Alana took a step to help, but Abby was already propping up all on her own. Instead, she degloved and leaned forward to put her weight on the handrails. "Not a scratch on their pretty little heads, so you needn't worry..." She paused for a moment, then looked the girl in the eyes. "Abby, I was thinking, do you want me to go talk to Cal about possibly having someone on the ramp with you when eventually you get back to working?" She’d been thinkin’ ‘bout them’s she ain’t seen last night. Hook weren’t about, but Cap/n had spoke with ‘im on a walkie, so the girl conjured he musta been near. But Pen. She ain’t seen hide nor hair. Still, if Doc says all souls was well then she got no reason tah question that. Abby’s ‘bout tah ask when she could git back tah work when Doc’s question knocked pins right out from under. Shook as she was, that water bottle come close tah slippin’ from ‘er fingers. Her mind raced tah figger out a answer what come across as ‘well reasoned and mature,’ while a part ‘o’ her recoiled at notion of bein’ babysat. She took a minute on it, stretchin’ time by addin’ a swig from her water afore answerin’. “Doc,” Abby finally spoke, “if I cain’t do muh job on muh own I ain’t much use tah tha Cap’n. Don’t got a proper education. What I know best is what I learnt on boats, an’ there’s precious little ‘o’ that. Most girls dealt my cards got three choices in this life, husband, housekeepin’, or whorin’. Cap’n gave me a diff’rent road, an’ I don’t aim tah place burden on ‘im fer ‘is wisdom.” She straightened her backbone an’ met Doc’s eye. “I fought them as took me. Didn’t win, but I didn’t stop fightin’ ‘em…got most these bruises tah show fer it. Kinda shows me what I need learnin’ on next,” she said. “Gettin’ faster on muh draw an’ smarter with muh fists.” She wasn't too receptive of Alana's suggestion, that much obvious given Abby's sudden shift in body language. It was a touchy subject, and since Alana was no psychologist, she didn't want to press the matter beyond what needed pressing. "I get your concerns, believe me. It ain't an easy road to walk on for some." Abby was the individualistic type, and maybe a pinch stubborn as a result. But at the least, Alana wanted to get the message across as she was trying to do right by her younger crewmate. "What you went through, and the aftermath, isn't at all a sign of weakness. You're resilient, and brave, and honestly stronger than some of them on this ship. I'm simply concerned, that's why I suggested having a partner out there with ya, if only for a little while post recovery." Alana straightened up, turning to toss the used gloves on the bin behind her. "If you give it further thought, you can come straight to me and I'm sure Cal will be more than happy to consider it." Alana ended her statement with a smile before changing the subject. "By the way, I took some lessons in massage therapy way back then, they help make those nasty little bruises go away faster. Can't do it right away, but can be done further along in recovery." “Massage sounds mighty nice,” the girl worked up a smile. Abby had a good think on what the Doc had tah say. Chances were she’s so pent up ‘bout twice fallin’ on Cap’n’s good will by gettin’ ‘erself inta medbay that mayhaps she weren’t listenin’ afore her mouth run off. “I dunno,” the girl finally give up. “Doc, what scares me most is Cap’n doin’ tha math an’ conjurin’ I put ‘im inta red ink.” She folded ‘er arms about ‘erself, “When them bikers took me? I had a hunnerd fifty credits in muh pocket…money paid fer haulin’ cargo. They took it. Way I see it, that’s on me.” “Abby, 'tween you and me, I have a very strong feeling that the captain would much prefer them bikers return you in one piece rather than the credits. Those blows to the head must have left you unconscious at some point, so what were you supposed to do?” Alana shrugged her shoulders, thinking it, but not saying it. In all honesty, the girl wasn’t the one to blame here. The gang was looking to retaliate and Abby just so happened to be caught in the wrong place at the wrong time. “Listen, along with the painkillers I’ll give ya, I’m also mandating you be stress free for the next couple of days, and that includes avoid overthinking the finance dealings with the captain. Think you up for it?" “A couple days?” Abby looked up. “And then I can git back tah work?” The question made Alana laugh a little. "Yes, a couple of days...given you're back to full health by then. Otherwise, I'm afraid you'll be on some additional sick leave. And Abby, I don't want you to go on hiding one ailment or the other from me, dohn mah? I don't care how long we're down by one, we can make it work..." Her statement had concluded with a more serious tone, hopefully getting the girl to understand the severity of the situation. What tha Doc said had a little sting to it, but them shenanigans Abby pulled on New Melbourne made Alana’s words more’n fair. “Got muh word, Doc,” she said all solemn like. “I’ll stick to muh room…’less I’m gettin’ food or hittin’ tha lav. Somethin’ don’t feel right I’ll come see you, pronto.” Despite her being fiercely independent, at least Abby had her wits involving her own health so as to not be reckless as she pleased. Alana nodded with a smile, her mind at ease after being reassured by her patient. Thought ‘o’ bein’ laid up with naught but what she’s carryin’ inside ‘er head fer two whole days felt pert near tah her own brand ‘o’ hell. Still, Abby knew Alana was in tha right. She’s lucky just tah be all banged up, but one look at ‘er face was like tah scare away any passenger. She ‘membered when Ms. Wyman come aboard, face all swole up from ‘er husband’s thrashin’. All she wanted tah do was sleep, an’ Abby watched over ‘er fer some odd days while she did. If she’s bein’ true about it, she did feel a might hangdog. “I always conjure workin’ makes ever’thin’ better,” Abby said, “but I’ll stick tah restin’. Can I git a proper shower, first?” she asked. "Shower away, you'll feel tons better once you've properly cleaned up. Take the device with you," Alana motioned towards the small electronic sitting within Abby's reach, "You know what to do in case you need help while washing yourself. I'll go ahead and update the captain as to your condition; and as of right now you are no longer confined to these four walls. Come on, let's see how well you do on your feet." Alana reached out a hand to help Abby stand, hoping her balance wouldn't fail her. Abby eased down, one hand takin’ Alana’s as t’other held onta tha table. “Yer right,” she said as feet landed on tha cold deck, “I’m feelin’ a might stiff.” Tha girl stood fer a second, hands out tah test ‘er balance. When all felt right, she give ths Doc a nod. “Think I’m good.” The gown was one of them what hung open in tha back. She weren’t too partial ta walkin’ outta here with her [i]pi gu[/i] seein’ daylight, but lookin’ on them denims and unders she wore last three days settled that bite ‘o’ hash right quick. An’ that vest…tha bikers’ cut…lookin’ at it now’s like tah turn ‘er stomach. As Doc watched, Abby collected all ‘er things one one arm. The little blinky Doc give her was scooped up in ‘er free hand. “Much obliged, Doc,” tha deckhand said as she made tracks fer the door. Once it’s open, she stepped through…and suddenly stopped. Abby turned about, walked on stiff legs right up tah tha Doc, and thowed an arm around her. “Thank yew,” her voice cracked as she whispered, huggin’ Alana tight. “Fer what yah did last night. Thank yew.” Alana embraced her in return, gently settling her chin atop the girl’s head and smiling to herself. “You’ve got nothing to thank me for, you know I’ll always be here for you.” In that moment, their relationship didn’t feel like one of a doctor and her patient, but rather, a bond close to what sisters may share. If Abby would decide to confide in her from that point forward, then she would have more than enough done her job.