[CENTER][h2][color=00a99d]Cascade[/color][/h2][/CENTER] Cascade looks to Flicker as they spoke. Her eyes drifted to their hair in curiosity for a moment, before she registered his last question. She answers normally at first, "[color=00a99d]More like a...self-appointed emissary than a fan,[/color]" Then she realizes the situation, "[color=00a99d]Oh, that's right! I already told Jormund, but I haven't told you if you're his friends! And he did say that you guys might be eager to accept,[/color]" She then continues, "[color=00a99d]You see, there have been unseasonable snow storms up in the north. Because of that, my hometown, Zephyr, and my Ohana there are worried that raiders are going to come and attack. I heard Jormund had washed up recently, so naturally, I thought he would be the best man for the job of helping protect Zephyr from raiders![/color]" She then asked Aura and Flicker, "[color=00a99d]So, would you be willing to help as well? I can't promise gold or treasure as a reward, but I can promise that I'll fight alongside you if need be, room and board at my place, and any wood carving projects you want or need from me! What do you say?[/color]"