[center][img]https://imgur.com/S17UCH4.png[/img][/center] [hr] [center]Dorothea[@Jasbraq] | Eun-Ji[@Medili][/center] [center][b]Inner Boat Storage Room, Entertainment Area, Outer Boat Storage Room, and On-Deck Restaurant[/b][/center] [hr] Zarra was still playing with the likely fake lyre when caught floor movement. [color=6633cc][b]“Oh merde!”[/b][/color] Was his first thought, he was lucky he had the discipline to not shout allowed, Poetically, alarms went off in his blonde head. [color=6633cc][b]“The ship is actually leaking! How on Eshiran did they manage to breach the hull??”[/b][/color] Eun-ji finally breaks him out of his trance and engages the distracted mage, very expertly fighting off any signs of having a mini-panic attack. [color=87CEEB][b]”We need you both. It was a smart decision to go here to seek safety, but we need you both. Everything is going very out of control and this ship might really end up sinking, taking countless lives with it. We need everyone if we are to deal with this crisis. As soon as Ms. Hohnstein is well enough to act, please join me and Manfred outside. It is time to coordinate and actually start working together.”[/b][/color] Trying to make sure he wasn't the only person who saw that, he turned to Dorothea, who curiously was hardcore spacing out, awkward silence between them both. Dorothea breaks her silence, making eye contact with him. [color=86608E][b]"If they truly need me, I should at least try. Giving up is not a thing I was taught after all. Thank you, for taking care of me.”[/b][/color] Zarra was thrown a little off-guard at her just leaving like that, he was about to chase after her, but he saw that he went back towards the direction of Manfred. He'll let him handle her at this point, Zarra realizes at this moment that duty calls. While Eun-Ji would sure like to set up a strategy with him, all that will do is take extra time and arguing they simply can't afford. Zarra reasons there must holes on the bottom of the boat if they're taking in water, he'll prioritize finding those first as the higher floors would take too long and by the point the water reaches those, they're pretty, well, sunk. He shifts into his greyborn form, the boat's momentum no longer effecting him and actually giving him a bit of vertigo for a second watching it bob and weave without him. Regardless, he continues his mission. The lack of visibility surely is a problem, and actually, he thinks it's gotten worse? It isn't an issue as long as he can still the outlines of walls and the rising liquid. He first follows the obvious leak into the storage room, the current leading him through the wall and into an entertainment room. To his luck, nobody is there. However, can see water patiently leaking out of a hole in which someone shoved a cap into. While he was appreciative that someone atleast tried to fix the leak, it wasn't enough, that's where he'd come in. He touches the cracks around the plug, slowly but surely weakening the atoms and reforming their bonds. At his skill level, the bonds will be weak, and shatter upon any force impact, but it's better than doing nothing. With that fixed, he thought about his options. He assumes that since most of the rioters don't have magic, the only way to pull off such a feat is with tools. He remembers the supply closet that he came out of when he first sabotaged the ship, after going ghost, he decides to check there. Unsurprisingly, Zarra finds that the storage closet has been forced open, and all of its equipment missing. [color=6633cc][b]“Well that solves that question...”[/b][/color] While he doesn't see anyone around right away, he does hear the noise of destruction. Following the noise, deciding to be incorporeal was a smart play here. Several rioters are splitting open crates, hoping to find anything of value to thieve. A bunch more are arguing over a large dent in the side of the ship, which has a slit in it and naturally water pouring out. Zarra walks in, strategically choosing to rematerialize outside the vision of others, as to not spark panic. The wall of the ship makes a loud wrenching noise as Zarra uses his basic understanding of magnetic on it, everyone in the room staring at him incredulously. He is able to undo the warping, leaving the hull almost concave in shape. He goes towards the wall, and uses magic to seal the split shut, his fellow men watching in awe, fixing the problem that everyone in the room was worried about. Zarra decides to entertain their astonishment, he turns around, addressing the whole room. [color=6633cc][b]“Not all nobles are bad, this one just saved your ass.”[/b][/color] And with that, he seemingly does the impossible and walks through the wall he had just fixed. Some of onlookers are gonna need new pairs of pants after that. Outside the ship, Zarra catches the view of a bearded man in the water and struggling to stay afloat, he must have gotten pushed off at some point. Before the boy can even comprehend the idea of saving him, an alligator basically launches out of the water and bodyslams this dude. Zarra almost turns white at the idea of a crocodilian pretending to be a Luchador. After the splashing clears, the poor soul is limp and face down in the water. He's then pulled underwater, and blood rises just as quickly in his place. Zarra makes a hand gesture reminiscent of a prayer, backing away and continuing to logic out where other possible damage could be. The binder thinks long and hard. [color=6633cc][b]“Wait, didn't the ship have a restaurant section? Surely some idiot has managed to blow something up in there”[/b][/color] Continuing to ignore such simple obstacles like debris and walls, he heads to the kitchen of the lower deck. [color=6633cc][b]“How even?!...”[/b][/color] he mentally exclaims. There is a giant hole where clearly something used to be. The tide is seeping in every few seconds, and the floor is soaked up to his ankles. He considers his options on how to fix such a problem, and after some solid seconds letting the water chill his feet, Zarra gets an idea. He flips over one of the wooden large restaurant tables. While the wood is rather light, him being so scrawny means he struggles to lift it. He dusts away the legs of the table, absorbing their energy with a strategy in mind. He goes over to the gaping chasm and recreates the table legs so they it matches the depth of the breached metal. He does this 4 all legs, then goes back to the table. He rebinds the table legs back on into the center of the table, in such a way that they all create a tight square. He then takes another table, faces the flat side towards the wall, and pushes it near the ominously large rupture, this so he can reach it for the final part of his plan. Finally, he nears the DIY table, and lifts it. He shifts into the other dimension, you would think by doing so, any object going with would be weightless. But this sadly not the case. Good thing he has such an ability, otherwise he'd have to explain why he's without clothes every time he uses the power. Using the intangibility to his advantage, he shoves the table through the walls of the ship, intentionally making it land outside. In quick succession, he reforms and pulls hard, slamming the table against the hull and by extension sealing the gap, He holds on to the table legs that he created as both handholds and as a way to fuse both tables together. However, to his dismay, he can't reach other table and pull it closer, having misjudged the distance. He's using his entire body weight to keep the water shield from falling into the sea. If that happens, the overgrown lizards will have it. With his arm starting to get tired, he starts using kinetic to hopefully spin the other table over in front of him. After a few tries, he loses his patience and puts his whole force into it, causing the table to almost spin midair. He narrowly manages to dodge crushing his own arm. But in those few moments, all his mana reserves are continued to be taxed as he summons wind from outside the ship to hold the outer board in place, and he slams himself into the inner board, causing them to collide in a racket of wood and metal. As the final piece of the puzzle, Zarra uses binding to fuse the exposed ends of the table legs to the other table, essentially interlocking both and making it impossible to move one without the other. He analyzes his work, to his relief, the boards seem tight enough to never waver. Zarra thinks about a way to get rid of all the water, but his stamina depleted, he decides to let Eun-Ji, someone more specialized in water manipulation than he is, to handle that task. Finally mentally done with fixing the ship, he phases one last time to head towards the team intervention... Or so he thought. As he passed the bloodmage's body, he facepalms himself. He forgot that he had sabotaged the engine. Being that it's their only real option for getting back to shore, he sighs. He telefrags the air one more time and goes over to the Traveler Agent's body. He pulls out the pipe, still covered in bits of gore and brain matter. He uses basic binding to undo his work, including remaking the little bolt holes. After scanning the room, he finds that the arcane mages and Forceful are missing, he decides not to worry about it. He goes over to where the missing section is, steam pathetically rising out. He looks down, and realizes the rivets are gone, having rolled away from the back and forth of the ship. Zarra rolls his eyes and binds the pipe to the rest of the system. A combination of magic overuse and seasickness finally get to him, He ends up leaning over braced against the wall, his nausea building. Without much remorse, he vomits moderately onto himself and the floor, cleaning himself off with a nearby towel. He ultimately decides he doesn't have the constitution or energy to use his greyborn powers again and just walks his way to the meeting.