I see my characters reacting. I can hear them in my head. It's like I'm playing a movie in my head and try to put it as eloquently as I can to paper, though I am no Tolkien or Stephen King. I don't focus on mistakes I just write it all out. After that I go over it slowly trying to pick up potential weird sentences or errors I have made (though Word doesn't pick up on everything) I like setting a sort of background scene in my mind. Like the first scene we flit through a dream, whilst the second is more firmly set within the world and even then I afterwards go...should have described it more...(laughs I am never satisfied...Tolkien spoiled me). Also seen far too many movies and good series and go...hmm...something like that. Series like Rome, Les Miserables, Bleak House, Spartacus and The Borgias that go....yes f*ck your character how can we go from 'Miserable' to 'Never expect happiness ever again'. Or how should that conversation have gone down...and then I hear them, I see the figures move and the scene starts playing on itself. Granted sometimes it is stuck...or I pause it, to catch up. But soon enough it will continue playing. Also I love those movies where less is more. Skeleton Key or the Bye, Bye man for example. The implication and hints are enough, the slow build up of the Funnel and how eventually you see it for what it is. My main concern is always would my character do that? And how can I create a proper likeable character or terrible villain and to set them apart enough. I mean a scolding from a morally grey character shouldn't be the same as that bone gnawing feeling of a villain, stripping one from one's very courage. And if you really want my list of all time favourite scenes: warning potential spoilers ahead*** Babylon 5 (series): [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kCj-Rnd5SsA[/url] Proper storytelling with a flair of truth from real life: The British created a civil-service job in 1803 calling for a man to stand on the Cliffs of Dover with a spyglass. He was supposed to ring a bell if he saw Napoleon coming. The job was abolished in 1945." The whole series is great and still untarnished by the current Hollywood standards. The Count of Monte Cristo: [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_DqstQsqaOw[/url] The rest you must find out for yourself to watch the movie if you haven't one of my eternal favourites. Rome (series): [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UuU_YSlDPPA[/url] [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o8vwmdLFWmE[/url] Brilliant conversations, again offering a background surrounding with a meaning: Gladiatorpit & a dark room one on one playing a strategy game. Similar in the fact that they both discuss strategies and politics, yet show the personalities so clearly. And one of my favourite pieces from ASOIAF: [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=65MQRZKP4YY[/url] A godfatherly promise... Of course there are so much more, certain interactions that inspire me or well written music that just gets my juices going. Which includes a good deal of metal I must admit hahaha... But I shall try to describe Avelore more as we sail in. Which I'll put in the OOC for you to check and potentially pick and choose from.