"My, having to use my bare hands like this is so distasteful. I could really use a meal." One skeleton's arm was caught. Such a slow, crude swing, with a rusty old cleaver. Aleksiya's dainty hand twisted, snapping decrepit bones and redirecting the undead's swing, bringing the edge of the cleaver into the path of the other attacker's skull. With a crunch, worn and yellowed bone crumbled as the cleaver buried itself almost all the way through the undead's head, sending it stumbling backwards. The diminutive vampire finished off her attackers by swinging the armbones in her hand downwards sharply, crushing through their decrepit structure and sending them crumbling to the floor. She was hardly among the most physically powerful of the Lords, but at the same time these opponents were old and barely more then dust. It didn't take much to destroy them. And while she was weakened considerably... Raising her right hand, Aleksiya focused. She channeled the magical energy to her fingertips, her palm, and the air just in front of her immediately lowered in temperature as a circle of light materialized. At its center, moisture gathered, coalescing and condensing as it was chilled even more, a spinning orb of ice assembling itself. Ah... this wasn't quite as easy as it was before she died, but at the same time it wasn't particularly difficult either. A solid orb of ice drifted in the air, much the size and shape of a black powder rifle slug. Frigid mist drifted off of it, as it began to spin rapidly, its form blurring. And then, with a flash of blue light it rocketed from the center of the circle, directly into the head of the next nearest skeleton. The force of the impact from the dense ball of ice was sufficient to shatter the skull on impact, fragments of bone and dust scattering into the air. The shriek she'd heard was in the back of her mind, but she'd hardly admit to having any concerns. "I have little interest in remaining here any longer, so let's finish this rabble off, shall we?" [@Rune_Alchemist][@Pyromania99][@Click This]