Duke noticed someone appearing next to him, but as he turned to look, a noise like an explosion burst out without warning. The teenager jumped to the side instinctively, falling to the floor. He looked to the source of the boom and saw a woman holding a large rifle. Duke stared at the woman, dumbfounded, before hastily turning his gaze away as she let loose a barrage of bullets, each shot lighting up the room in flashes of white brilliance. When the barrage finished, Duke removed his hands from his ears. The impromptu defense had protected him little, and his ears rang loudly as if in protest of the woman's mad shooting. He could see her offer him some earmuffs; her mouth moved but he couldn't hear a single word she had said. [color=palegreen]"Are you fucking-"[/color] Joking? Stupid? Insane? His mind had cooked up 3 insults to hurl at the woman, but with the aftermath of the gunshots still causing havoc his ears, it was impossible for him to know which one had come out of his mouth. Duke hastily got to his feet and snatched the earmuffs from her hand, putting them on in a hurry and backing away to a safe distance. If she was going to shoot again (and he was sure she would), he wanted some degree of safety. [@Letter Bee]