[hider=The Quest] [b]The Quest is to Unite the peoples of Aesithas and Rekindle the trust in the Line of Braedan that has been eroded over the generations since the Reforging of the Blade of the Dale. *Banditry in the Dale; the ordinarily disparate and small groups have been growing more ambitious and organized, the troubled and starving bandits of last year have evolved into a more disciplined and cut-throat calibre. Mildred has received rumor of patronage; someone funding, feeding, and training the bandits to prey on the peoples of the Dale. The only lead she has on this is the increasingly dangerous passage to the Southland Deepwood, and the abysmal news that comes from the region. *The Heartlands, so nearby to Fenhall, as has been elaborated on by Amaryllis, have gone to Rot and Madness. Mildred wants an expedition mounted to delve the Forests and see if there is a Source of the Madness, and if possible for it to be cleansed. She expresses concern over a location that Amaryllis has heard of as well, though has not visited in her isolated growth; The Heart Spring. Mildred elaborates that in the stories of the Heartlands, the Heart Spring is allegedly a magical font of the Everbloom's nectar in the center of the forest; if anything has gone wrong, it must be there. *The Shield Mountains are under Plague; Dag'Tyr's knowledge is new here, but she stresses that this is as critical as the other issues- and she will do all she can to lend aid to the Kin in the meantime. She arranges for a party of healers to be drafted from the Temple and the Castle staff to head there ahead of time to do what they can immediately. *Waltone is under siege from the Undead. When the Party decides to pursue this avenue of the Quest, Alison will voice more information on this issue. *The Zephyrites in Isolation; Mildred fears that history is doomed to repeat itself, with the Zephyrites once again secluding themselves to their Cloud Kingdom. However noble their aspirations and goals, and how important The Old Nimbus is to Aesithas, she wants the means to travel to the Cloud Kingdom to be rediscovered from the obscurity of time so that diplomacy can begin once again. *The Badlands are in disarray; Mildred wants stability returned to the region, and she'd prefer it to be under the lineage of Tyrania in honor of her ancient oath to her own ancestor. Anything that regains the might of the Behemoths in full to the peoples of Aesithas is worth doing, and while she is only able to offer minimal information on this request, Vigil will, when the time comes, be able to elaborate more clearly on the issues of the Badlands. *Ultimately, she wishes for a dignitary of each people to swear homage to the Blade of the Dale and reforge the Alliance of Aesithas. To this end, the Blade of the Dale will need to be recovered from the edge of the Lands Beyond. Once all other goals have been completed, she will personally make this journey with you all to recover her birthright.[/b] [/hider] I'll post this in my 0th Post on the RP channel as well.