[color=silver][h1][center]Ready Or Not Part 5[/center][/h1][/color] [color=white][center][b]Lunar Veil | Cargo Bay[/b][/center][/color] [color=silver][center]Summary[/center][/color] [color=silver][center][i]Vas and Serena are training in the Cargo Bay. Vas is worked up and on edge and Serena works to sus out why.[/i][/center][/color] [center] [table] [row] [cell][center][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5360043][img] https://i.imgur.com/B3Mrhob.png[/img][/url][/center][/cell] [cell][center][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5360056][img] https://i.imgur.com/YULG7qv.png[/img][/url][/center][/cell] [/row] [/table] [/center] [indent][indent][indent] OOC: JP between [@Winters], [@MK Blitzen] “Grrrr!” She growled, selecting a shiny knife. “I got it Onii. Don’t worry, I won’t be scared. I’ll scare them, like you. Just like you.” "Naw kiddo. You find your own scary, that's how you do it, you'll figure it out. Arrite arm up well go through the motion, warm you up properly and well get the meat of it. Nick me and I'll throw you across the room Kay?" Vas smiled. He would absolutely toss her if she did. “Focus, and you won’t get nicked,” she giggled. “Fiiiine, I won’t, I won’t,” She promised, checking over her shoulder once so Vas couldn’t pull the same trick. “Honest and swear.” Vas moved in to bonk the girl for looking away. Serena caught his movement out of the corner of her eye and deflected his arm, turning her wrist to block with the hilt side of the knife. She’d been put down once, twice was definitely off her agenda for the night! Vas moved quickly, stepping to hook kick snagging her behind the knee. He snaked an arm around her, twisting it behind her and threw her forward. "Always keep your eyes in the fight." He chided. "You're fighting me, not Goldilocks." “Goldilocks?” She giggled, preparing to take a swing at him as soon as she regained her balance. "Yeah you know cuz of the hair and the eating of our apples like it's no big deal. Guy doesn't look like he knows what it's like to live on protein paste for a full week." Vas snorted. “His hair’s not gold,” Serena corrected. “It’s more the color of a sandy beach – nuh uh - you’re trying to distract me,” she accused. "I am." He said, stepping forward with a feint. "I'm sure he smells fabulous. With hair like that? Uses fancy soap I bet." “That’s low, Onii!” she shot. “Making me think of him in the shower.” She [i] tried[/i] to focus after that… really. "No such thing Mei Mei!" He chortled and sent her flying. "Maybe you should go back to the wooden knives." He teased. "Till you can stop thinking about what shampoo the new guy uses." “It smells like coconut!” she said dreamily from the floor, giving herself just a split second to remember it. “But too bad for you, I’m 100% focused on this fight.” "Too late you're dead." Vas said, tapping the tip of his wooden knife to her chest. "Well at least you’ve got a future being a meat sheath." [/indent][/indent][/indent]