[hr][hr][center][h3][color=#9370DB][b]☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️[/b][/color][/h3][img]https://i.postimg.cc/fbjDf03P/811f468296e2c205d4b5d19d5d6c0b9ff7745b0e-00.gif[/img][hr][b][color=#9370DB]Location:[/color][/b] Mount Rushmore, South Dakota [b][color=#9370DB]Skills:[/color][/b] N/A [hr][hr][/center] Nancy thought for a moment, wondering just how much trouble the Legion would get into if they all went up to Mount Rushmore and raided the den of a dead dragon for gold. What would the mortals perceive through the Mist? She chuckled slightly at the idea. Whatever it was, it would have to be absolutely insane - which made Nancy want to see what happened, preferably with a cold slushie to sip on as she observed from a distance. [color=#9370DB]"Aww, we can't ride Air Niah the entire way?"[/color] Nancy joked, holding onto her friend as Niah brought them safely down the mountain. When they reached the bottom, Mads told them her plan - a fancy restaurant and a nice hotel. Nancy hesitated for a moment. She had lived inside of a fancy hotel before - and it had been incredibly traumatic for her. She hadn't set foot in any sort of hotel since. The thought of sleeping inside of one made her stomach churn. She'd rather a shitty motel, if she were being honest - or maybe an RV or a trailer or a tent. Any of those sounded like good options to her. [color=#9370DB]"Um, maybe not a swanky hotel... But a fancy restaurant could be fun."[/color]