[center][h2]Kitsune[/h2][/center] Friendly. The guy who shot her and tried to burn her friends alive was ‘friendly’? Yeah, everyone who wore a mask was weird. “I don’t know. They took your friends out of her about ten minutes ago and I didn’t think to ask.” Assuming they would even tell her in the first place, she didn’t really need to know where they were going. Her part of this was done, or had been, and if they had anything important to say then they could say it when the police questioned them; then it would be up people more qualified than she was to deal with the massive criminal abduction ring. “If I had to guess I’d say Northwestern Memorial; it’s the closest to here.” It occurred to her a second after she had said it what the person in front of her might be thinking of doing with that information. “If you were thinking of visiting, I wouldn’t. Not unless you want to be arrested for arson after fleeing the scene and showing up with blood all over you.”