[h3]Giselle de Farry[/h3][i]Undead Princess, de Farry[/i] [hr] Giselle watched in grim satisfaction as the bones split and cracked against the stone surface. Even in this weakened state, this sort of thing was not a threat at all. Frankly, she thought the three of them could bully their way through to the cathedral just by shoving them aside, but even now, a certain level of panache needed to be upheld despite the lack of obvious witnesses. Clearing the skeletons out would be a public service, anyway—if the city was to ever to return to its former glory. Either through lack of power as a result of countless years of slumber or personal preference, her companions picked… alternate weapons for the slaughter. The backslap had its own bit of flair, and despite Giselle’s mild distaste for the cleric, she had to admit using a sarcophagus lid as a melee weapon was a particularly creative and effective solution. Unfortunately, instead of using it like a particularly unwieldy buster sword, the thrice-damned cleric decided to use it as a projectile, creating an almighty crash that just about drew in all the shambling undead in the entire neighborhood. [b]“It would seem your combat skills have grown rusty over the centuries, Akyasha,” [/b]she commented dryly, frowning at the skeletons flooding in from the alleyways. These seemed to have actual weapons. On the other hand, those would be weapons that her companions could use, however disgusting and rusted they looked. [b]“Perhaps the rusty cleaver would suffice instead of fisticuffs?”[/b] Giselle kindly offered a suggestion as said cleaver swung down towards the diminutive vampire’s head. Her attention quickly turned elsewhere as she reflexively parried a sickle-wielding skeleton that had approached. With a twist of her lance, she smacked the skeletal frame aside and rent it into pieces with the blunt end of her spear, before ducking low and whipping around to disassemble a second skeleton with the pointed end. [b]“Nor I,”[/b] Giselle agreed, nodding towards Aleksiya. She began moving in earnest towards the cathedral, and away from the shrieking beast, batting aside skeletons along the way.