[color=lightgray][right]TIMESTAMP: Flashback, Yesterday, Sunday (July 18th)[/right] [center][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/users/metanoia][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220707/de8425488b0608f3b4f383a389598999.png[/img][/url] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220707/ea0c13b96bec39eb2a81ba5c05ed31f7.png[/img] [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/users/lovelycomplex][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220707/29817612104c780ce1548b8a06b6ada5.png[/img][/url] [img]https://i.imgur.com/F3LhBjo.gif[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/F7AybJ8.gif[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220711/3612174422449388827d73d3d0cce7e4.png[/img] ____________________________________________________________________[/center] [indent][indent]Devil in a bottle, Cat stood by her small side table where she had an Italian crafted [url=https://i5.walmartimages.com/asr/0a8d4044-6a2d-4527-8e99-0e43649aeaf9_2.2f90e0586d6c5b63a22f89352c0c7345.jpeg]decanter[/url] filled with some of her father’s favorite scotch, Johnnie Walker. Beside the decanter were four whiskey glasses to match the set. Her kids had left with their father yesterday to be in New York for about a week. She replayed Thursday night when she and her husband sat down to tell them about the divorce. All she could see was the conflicted emotions shown in each of their faces. Was she doing the right thing? The idea of a perfect family was crumbling in front of them. They’re confronted by the reality that all their life they've been lied to. Lied about happily ever afters, lied about their father being loyal and their mother being strong, and lied about love. Once she poured herself a glass, thinking her workers had left for the day and she had the shop to herself, Cat took a sip of the one thing that has kept her afloat this long. She had family, friends, and now she had Clay. Still, she struggled because without this drink, she’d have a hard time covering up the tears. She’d have a hard time admitting to herself all her shortcomings. She’d have a hard time being happy. Cat was tired, worn, and torn by this provincial town she lived in, and her family. Especially her family. She turned to booze because when her head was full of it, she truly believed it could cure her from this endless struggle. It was only a week since the doctor told her how long her mother had and shortly after, she found herself taking out her bible that had picked up dust over the years. She went to church every Sunday but that didn’t make her a devout Christian, not like Nina. She hadn’t sought His word for years. God was supposed to guide her everyday and push her to strive and be like Him, his likeness and his image. The last time she desperately sought him out, like now, was when she almost lost her miracle baby, Dani. Being a Christian was more than going to church. It requires a daily process where you are so certain in your growth to be more and more like Christ. To remember that His love was like an ocean and that you can see the beginning, but not its end. To trust in Him and His plan… that’s what it meant to be devoted to Him. And that’s where Cat fell short. Time and time again. After Sofi had screamed at her parents in anger, directing the malice mostly at her mother, during the whole ordeal Thursday night, Cat was forced to look into the mirror and see why she would never be like Him. Sofi forced her to realize that there was no use in waiting for His plan to fix things. It was up to her and her own strength. It was clear that Sofi was upset she had to pick up the pieces of their broken family, when she was still recovering from almost dying by Charlie Decker. Cat had frantically looked through her bible and begged God to take away her tears, wash away her sins, and help her be a good mother to her children, only to realize she needed to stop asking to be saved. If Cat wanted to carry her world, she had to believe in herself again. She had to be strong for herself and for her children. She also needed to learn to lean on people and be okay to admit that there are some things she can’t do alone. Taking another sip of the scotch, a tear finding its way out, trailing down her cheek, Cat closed her eyes and tried to think of the positive things to come. Her children wouldn’t be in a house where there’s always fighting. Tommasso and her would learn healthy ways to co-parent. Her mother’s suffering would end and she could be with the Lord, in His Glory, like she always wanted to. Cat would start working on herself and find purpose in being alive and well. And throughout all of this? She’d have the support of Clayton. Someone she didn’t realize she needed as much as she does now. She just wanted to be happy and she hoped, little by little, she’d get there within herself, within her relationship with Clayton, and within the lives of her children. She prayed. Oh God she prayed. Just outside of her office doors, an unexpected busy evening was finally coming to a close. Marco had stayed an extra hour, letting the Young Lad go home. He said he needed to be home for some reason and Marco didn’t mind lingering around. In the week since his chance encounter with Poppy and just…the whole week, he has been finding himself into a real groove. It wasn’t just because of Danny really pushing him in the mornings (and in the night prior to every morning), it was everything in his life right now. It was strange. Marco from six months ago would have never been so eager to work more, but he felt truly happy making sandwiches. Cat had taught him well, had been so right in his face about learning the ropes and the recipes and how to make each one. That was something Marco found out he got from his old man. An impeccable memory. In the past, it served him well in school. In soccer. In that extremely difficult character analysis presentation that Poppy gave him such high praise for last week. And now it helped him at his job. He knew every sandwich yet was finding ways to improve them but never changing them. Refining how he made them. Slowly but surely, Marco was coming into his own. [color=b8860b]“That should do it,”[/color] he remarked, handing off the last order of the day. A happy customer ordered an italian club and that dream panini that was becoming really popular as of late. Truth be told, it was his favorite sandwich to make. As he clocked out, Marco, as he always did, went to Cat’s office. He knocked a few times. “Cat,” he called out in a medium tone. He went for the knob and the door wasn’t closed. As he pushed it open, he saw Cat standing by herself near a small table, drinking what he hoped was some sort of apple cider, but he knew alcohol when he saw it. [color=b8860b]“Cat?”[/color] He half-frowned, wondering if she was even conscious, aware of her surroundings. [color=b8860b]“I just wanted to ask if you needed anything before I left for the day..”[/color] There was a cautious approach Marco had in both how he spoke and he walked into her office, feeling something was off. That part of him that always wanted to make sure those he cared for were alright refused to let him leave. [color=b8860b]“Cat?”[/color] When she realized she was not alone and that she still had an employee here, Cat was quick to down her scotch and wipe her face of tears with a quick swipe. [color=9f1b3e]“Marco!”[/color] She turned around, leaving the glass behind. [color=9f1b3e]“I could’ve sworn everyone was gone for the day,”[/color] She laughed and smiled, hiding all her pain through a jovial expression. [color=9f1b3e]“If everything has been covered in the front, I should be fine,”[/color] She assured her brother’s friend, not wanting to keep him longer than needed. [color=9f1b3e]“It’s getting late, I’m sure you’re ready to relax and have some dinner.”[/color] It may have been brief, but there was [i]definitely[/i] something off. Marco didn’t know what it was exactly, but something about the way Cat acted the minute she realized he was still around -- that stood out. [color=b8860b]“Are you sure?”[/color] Marco asked, worried for Cat. In all the time he had known her and especially in the past few weeks since he’s been working for her, she’s never acted this…dismissive. [color=b8860b]“Really, I don’t mind staying a bit longer.. I don’t feel all that tired to be honest, so it’s no bother at all!”[/color] He smiled at her. From the time Cat has watched Marco with her brother to seeing him on numerous occasions at family parties and other things, the older woman knew how persistent the young boy was when it came to [i]feelings[/i]. As the eldest of the Belmonte 7 it was her duty to smile and act okay, it was her duty to protect her family, it was her duty to shield them from everything this town threw at them, it was her duty. She couldn’t burden Danny’s friend with her problems. She couldn’t burden anyone with them. [color=9f1b3e]“Really, Marco. I’m fine.”[/color] Instead of staying complacent, she sauntered her way to her desk and took a seat. Slowly but surely she put away her things so that she too could follow suit and leave for her day, [color=9f1b3e]“Plus! Don’t you have places to go? People to see? You’re young, sweetheart. Enjoy it while you still can.”[/color] [color=b8860b]“Like I said it’s no bother at all!”[/color] Marco was indeed stubborn. Probably something he never realized he inherited from both of his parents. But Cat was equally so, it seemed. At the very least, his last act for the day could help her clean off her desk. [color=b8860b]“At least let me help you clean up.”[/color] Marco didn’t wait for an actual response as he approached her desk, picking up a stack of papers that seemed familiar. For a few short moments, he looked at the front and saw what felt familiar about it. [color=b8860b]“Edenridge Police Force…study guide?”[/color] He read out loud, dividing his gaze from the guide in his hands and Cat, who was still putting things away, taken aback somewhat. [color=b8860b]“What is this, Cat?”[/color] He asked her, but not in a judgemental way. Marco couldn’t be judgmental even if he tried. He was genuine in his curiosity and more so was just surprised. After a nervous chuckle slipped out of her lips, Cat reached for the booklet and gently tugged it away from Marco, [color=9f1b3e]“It’s nothing really, just, ehem…”[/color] She proceeded to put the book away into a file cabinet. [color=9f1b3e]“I’m just learning a thing or two, to see if I want a, well, career change.”[/color] Once she dropped the bomb she looked away and focused on finishing up the task at hand. Cleaning up her things. [color=9f1b3e]“This is fine, Marco. I can clean up my own desk, I swear.”[/color] Was it too bold to get another serving of scotch? Cat was sweating because she felt like the one person in the room that could see her was seeing her clearly. What Marco just heard was a lot to process. Career change? Was she thinking of becoming a cop? He didn’t want to assume, but the booklet and the way she was acting, the signs were clear as day. He had a lot of thoughts racing through his head: the possible sale of Godmother, what that meant about his job, but the main one -- possibly the most glaring of them all -- was how…nervous Cat seemed. He might not be the most observant person, certainly not the kind that his father was, but Marco could see enough to realize that this was more than just a thing or two or would that be too presumptuous of Marco to assume? When Cat put the booklet away and she tried to again shoo him away in a polite way, he looked at his boss. A few moments of silence came after before Marco finally broke it. [color=b8860b]“So..you want to be a cop or something? I mean, I think that’s pretty cool, Cat! Officer Cat has a nice ring to it, I think. Kinda like Catwoman, but ya know, instead of seducing Batman and whatnot, you’ll be looking out for those of us who can’t.”[/color] [color=9f1b3e]“You really think so?”[/color] With his kind words Caterina perked up, easing her defenses, this being the first time she told someone outside of Nina about her dream. A dream that sparked the day she almost lost Sofi on August 29th, 2019. The day the town of Edenridge lost many lives. A tragedy that is still hurting many, including herself. Standing up, she interlocked her fingers and started fiddling with her hands. Soon after, Cat was pacing in her small office thinking, [color=9f1b3e]“You don’t have to worry about your job. This process takes time so I won’t be going anywhere. If I pass the civic exam, school takes about six months. Even then, I wouldn’t give my shop to just anyone. I have a lot to consider and I’m hoping whoever I find will allow me to take a backseat so that I can not only focus on my studies but insure that the Godmother still lives on. I just…”[/color] She posted herself by the side table, where the scotch waited for her, before turning on her heel to observe Marco, [color=9f1b3e]“I just know this place means a lot to the community, so I don’t want her to die, but I also… need to find purpose in myself? If that makes sense. Purpose beyond—”[/color] She gestured around them, the office, the shop, the sandwiches, and the retail. She gestured at everything that her father stood for. Everything he loved. [color=9f1b3e]“—This.”[/color] Don’t get her wrong. When Cat was a young mother and this was her best option because she had her father and his connections with the Osso family, she [i]loved[/i] this. There was passion at one point. The Godmother has become so loved in the community, she knew that, and that’s because love was the foundation. It was possible because it was a passion project that she shared with her old man. She had nothing going for her otherwise. Now that she’s made a name for it, and herself, and her husband is no longer controlling her mind, she was ready to figure out what she wanted. She didn’t want to hesitate in anything in regards to her life. She was already worried that Clayton was madly in love with her and she could only imagine how she would react if he said those three words to her: I love you. He loved her for such a long time but now that he’s older it has matured and become something… so warm and so gentle. She’s never felt tenderly appreciated like she does with him and she was scared. Scared that if she didn’t start finding herself, she’d start pushing him away. Self sabotaging her life because she didn’t think she deserved to be loved like that. What kind of bullshit was that? Everyone deserves to be loved and that includes someone broken, damaged, and lost. That includes her. [color=9f1b3e]“It’s silly, I know, Marco.”[/color] Marco shook his head almost immediately. [color=b8860b]“No, it’s not silly at all! If anything, it’s pretty great that you’re doing this.”[/color] Marco gave Cat a smile. [color=b8860b]“You’re putting the effort into something that you believe will let you live a happier life, right? That’s the furthest from being silly. And I absolutely understand. It’s how I feel about working here. It’s hard work, sure. And you don’t always make it easy, but I wouldn’t be able to take charge, even if for a little bit, if you didn’t keep teaching me about all the recipes and how each sandwich is made. So I know that you’ll do great at this! Bringing that same level of focus and dedication to something that will make you happy will get you the results you want, I just know it!”[/color] Deep down, Marco understood what Cat was going through more than she knew. It may not have been directly linked to a change of career, but Marco was undergoing his own difficult choice in calling or texting Poppy James back. That in itself was a hard thing because he wasn’t sure what might happen. All he knew was that, if Cat could do this incredibly difficult thing of try and become a cop, maybe Marco could do that. Call it mother’s intuition, or a hunch, Cat smiled at Marco’s kind words and re-routed the attention onto him, [color=9f1b3e]“Now that you’ve made me feel better about myself…”[/color] Cat glanced at the clock on the wall, before bringing her gaze back toward Marco, [color=9f1b3e]“It’s almost dinner time, maybe you should text Penelope and see if she’s down to grab a bite.”[/color] The older woman crossed her arms and stood there commanding like a mother, but also loving like a mother, [color=9f1b3e]“I tried my best not to eavesdrop but it was really hard. You know what I think?”[/color] When Cat mentioned how close it was to dinner, Marco didn’t realize, but he took out his phone briefly to look at the time. He had to admit, though, he didn’t know why he felt surprised that Cat heard his conversation with Poppy but Marco looked at her because he was. [color=b8860b]“You..heard that, huh?”[/color] Instinctively, Marco scratched the left side of his face, one of his many tells when he was starting to feel tense. Lord knows Marco was a walking hypocrite sometimes because he could help those who need it but when it’s turned back on him, he feels reluctant to address it. Probably why he has people in his life that push him to do things he normally wouldn’t. [color=b8860b]“You want me to talk to her, don’t you?”[/color] It’s not that Marco wasn’t already halfway there, but he remained undecided about it. That feeling in his gut when Poppy first brought it up was starting to return. [color=9f1b3e]“Yes, but also,”[/color] Cat’s eyes grew gentle as she rested her weight towards one side, never looking away from him. [color=9f1b3e]“Look at it like this. Maybe, she needs this just as much as you. You know why I want to become a cop right? It’s because I almost lost Sofi that day, on the same field you were on. Elisa was there that day. Natalia was there too. And I love my sisters, but take my daughter away from me? That’s a whole different pain.”[/color] Uncrossing her arms, Cat strolled to the younger boy and ruffled his hair, like a big sister would, [color=9f1b3e]“There’s too much hurt in this town and it takes a lot of bravery to go to people you barely know and say sorry for a deed you didn’t even do. I don’t want you to regret not knowing as much as you could when Charlie’s childhood friend is giving you that chance. You owe her nothing or him, but you owe it to yourself to move on. And she’s there waiting to help you through that.”[/color] She was right, of course -- Marco knew this. No matter how painful it was to think about, maybe it was time that Marco stopped avoiding this. Danny had his way of getting to address it and that only could work if Marco was willing to face what had happened. He wasn’t and that’s why he shifted his focus onto Lanie and being there for her. Deep down, Marco knew this time would come and deep down, maybe he didn’t want to avoid it any longer. Looking at Cat, Marco’s eyes were glistening slightly. [color=b8860b]“I know you’re right. I know…I’ve spent so long avoiding this moment. Pushed myself into things that could distract me. Family, friends, online communities -- I’ve tried to not think about that day. You know, I had my eyes set on playing soccer at a pro level, right? Senior year was going to be the year scouts from Boston would come see me, but then that was all taken from me.”[/color] Marco bit his lip, feeling himself getting choked up as he tried to get a handle on his emotions. Even though now he was more than content with the way his life was, part of him often wondered what if he wasn’t on the field that day. Would he still be here? Or would he be one of the many names that people remembered who died that day? Believe it or not, Cat understood him more than he even knew. For herself, while she didn’t almost die during this period of her life, she got pregnant which changed everything for her. All her plans to leave this town, to sail somewhere and never look back, changed in a second because she had Sofi. Her daughter on the other hand was just like him. Sofia used to love soccer and at one point in time she saw herself pursuing it professionally. That all was taken away from her before she could even taste the big leagues. No freshman goes to school thinking this is the day I’m going to get shot and give up on my dreams. No student for that matter. Cat was just glad that her daughter was able to get out of bed and do something with her day. She was also glad her daughter had friends like Richard “Ricky” Osso keeping her afloat. Not those kids that were a golden ticket to Sofi getting a drug addiction. There was no doubt in Cat’s mind that she preferred her daughter playing Dungeons & Dragons with Ricky than loiter, vandalise, and smoke with Jeremy Fletcher and company. [color=b8860b]“What would I even say to Poppy, Cat?”[/color] He had such a clueless and lost expression on his face and he looked to Cat for some kind of guidance. [color=9f1b3e]“Well, you can first start off by texting her, hey, are you free? I know this is last minute but I just got off work and was going to get dinner at the Hole,”[/color] Cat smirked, even adding a sassy eye roll. [color=9f1b3e]“Don’t overthink it. Right now you’re just hanging out with someone. If you don’t know where to start when you’re there, have her lead. I imagine once you two start talking it’ll all fall into place and make sense in the end. Right now though? All you need to do is grab your phone and text ‘hey’.”[/color] Marco went quiet for a few moments. Perhaps Cat was right and he was putting too much thought into it. He had only the thought of talking about what happened to him in his mind but maybe that’s not all it could be. Truth be told, Marco didn’t know what could happen. He wished he could be the old version of himself who didn’t overthink so much, who didn’t second-guess every thought and action he made. In the past, he wouldn’t have hesitated to text poppy. Hell, he would’ve made plans to meet up with her that day. But now he spent nearly a week going over it in his mind and still wasn’t completely sure. Maybe that was okay. Maybe he didn’t have to know everything. Like Cat said, maybe it didn’t have to have the weight of Charlie added to it. Marco half smiled, looking at Cat. All he had to do was text her. [color=b8860b]“I’ll do that then,”[/color] he commented, giving Cat a quick hug that only lasted a few seconds. [color=b8860b]“Thank you…for everything you’ve done. I know you’ll ace that test! This town would be lucky to have someone who cares so much looking out for them.”[/color] Although the hug only lasted seconds, the sudden affection from one of her employees, and her brother’s friend, caused her to briefly tense up. She didn’t mind playfully ruffling his hair or lightly slapping the back of his head like she would do with Danny when he just wouldn’t get it right, but a hug was something she considered intimate. She [i]loved[/i] intimacy - just not with her brother’s friend. Clay was different… Clay was over the house a lot with his sister Lamb. Cat practically grew up with him. Whenever she and her sisters visited the Brady house, she spent more time with Marlie than the children. Don’t get her wrong, she’s hugged Marco before in a family setting where it was kind of something you did out of respect, but now that he was her subordinate… It was weird. Hiding the mild uncomfortable sensation behind a warm smile, Cat chuckled, [color=9f1b3e]“Thanks, kid. I needed this.”[/color] Extremely obvious of her next motive, Cat opened her office door, [color=9f1b3e]“You’ve helped me get out of my funk, now it’s time for you to get out of your’s. Be goneeeee.”[/color] She shooed the boy — desperately in need of ME time before she went back home and waited for Clay to text her. [color=b8860b]“Yes boss!”[/color] Marco chuckled as he waved to Cat, leaving her office and closing the door behind him. Marco left the Godmother but he lingered outside for a few minutes. He thought for the whole time about everything that Cat said about not overthinking it. That wasn’t an easy thing for him to do since that’s become his default setting. Ever since getting shot and after recovery, Marco hasn’t been able to change that about himself. Always overthinking every decision he made, everything he did, and what he might do. Entertaining thoughts about what could go wrong, what if it’s not what it was initially pitched as instead of looking on the bright side like he used to. He missed that version of himself. Somehow Cat could see that. Part of him just knew she did and maybe it was about time he started to try and find that Marco Brady again. Taking out his phone, Marco texted Poppy. [quote=] [color=b8860b]Hey, it’s Marco. You free? I just got off work. [i](sent)[/i] Thought…if you wanted, we could grab some dinner at The Hole?[i]sent[/i][/color][/quote] Marco lingered still as he was about to pocket his phone in the front right pocket of his pants, but then he felt it vibrate in his hand. Looking at his screen, it was Poppy. [color=b8860b]“Dang that was fast!”[/color] [quote=Penelope][color=fe6f5e]Yes. I’m close by. See you in ten? [i]received[/i][/color][/quote] [quote=][color=b8860b]Sounds great! On my way too! 🌞[i]sent[/i][/color] [/quote] With that text sent, Marco started walking towards the end of main street. His legs were sore from being on them practically all day, but it wasn’t far. He could rest when he got there. He hoped.. [/indent][/indent][/color]