[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/nFq9mJx.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/uGddlzt.png[/img] [color=BBC7E1]Time:[/color] Morning [color=BBC7E1]Location:[/color][url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/4b/b2/96/4bb29600d9abbe24ae0d8366b501dcac.jpg]Charlotte’s Bedroom[/url] [color=BBC7E1]Interactions:[/color] [@FunnyGuy] Lorenzo [color=BBC7E1]Attire:[/color][url=https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/51q5Bd7ZKCL._AC_.jpg]Click here[/url] [hr][/center] It felt as if the night itself was trying to wrap around Charlotte and smothered her as she ran. The sound of her flats clacking against the cobblestone as the raindrops started to fall. Her heart pounded against her ribs as fear pushed her forward faster and faster. Thunder clapped in the background and a flash of lightning illuminated the reflection of her pursuer in a nearby puddle.[color=0072bc]“If you won’t kill yourself then I’ll do it for you!”[/color] The voice called from behind as footsteps gained on the terrified girl, [color=0072bc]“I am going to drive this ax into your skull and that pathetic excuse of a man you call a father!”[/color] [color=BBC7E1]”Shut up! …Go away!”[/color]Charlotte cried over her shoulder. She sprinted faster, determined to survive. She rounded a corner only to run straight into a dead end. She inhaled but kept moving all the same. Charlotte threw herself forward without much more hesitation and attempted to climb up on a barrel with the intention to scale the wall. Tears threatened but she stayed focused as she adjusted her feet on top of the wobbly barrel and reached up to grab at a pipe. Alas, her arm was not long enough. Panic caused a whimper to escape her lips and she dared to try to jump to grab it. Her pursuer grabbed Charlotte by the leg in a tight grip, then dragged her down to the ground onto her back. The wind was knocked out of her as she hit the ground, then she laid there dazed. She laid a hand over her forehead as her vision refocused on the sight of the man standing above her. It was Count Calbert with a huge axe. His dark hair was flying about in the wind of the storm, lightning flashing behind his head with loud cracks. His blue eyes s seemed to glow in the night as they looked down at her with malicious triumph. With a wicked grin, he stepped on her stomach, raising the axe before he brought it down with a swift swing. [color=salmon][center]“Charlotte!”[/center][/color] Charlotte rose up with a scream, clutching her head. [color=BBC7E1]“Ahhhhh!”[/color] She stared forward with wide eyes, patting her neck. Her head… was still attached to her neck. With a confused blink, her hands fell from her neck as her bedroom seemed to paint itself into reality around her. Then her gaze fell on Lorenzo. There was a pause, then she jumped up on her bed and eagerly hopped off it with a huge smile. She ran over and threw her arms around him in a hug. It was certainly a firmer one than usual. After she let go finally, she looked at him, babbling, [color=BBC7E1]”Lorenzo!”[/color]She began with an exclaim, [color=BBC7E1]”Where have you been? I looked everywhere for you! In the house, outside of the house, at the tavern, the library-Oh disparage it all- I am just so glad you’re safe!”[/color] She couldn’t believe that after all that he had just [i]waltzed in[/i]. If she had just been in a nightmare, was this another dream? Charlotte bit the inside of her lip. [color=BBC7E1][i]No, no this is real. He really just reappeared. He must have a good reason for this. He has to! He’d never just abandon me.[/i][/color] Lorenzo’s clothes did look a little dirty. And he was still in his ball outfit! Where had he gone? Charlotte caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror behind him. She had no room to talk. Her eyes had dark circles underneath and the whites of her eyes looked nearly bloodshot. In that moment, she also noticed the back of Lorenzo's coat. [color=BBC7E1][i]What?[/i][/color] She slowly returned her gaze to his, her brows furrowing in a perplexed manner as she plucked a flower petal off his shoulder.