[@Dragoknighte][@rivaan][@Remipa Awesome][@Sigil] And welcome back! The shiny, new update is up and there is a bit to respond to. For anyone who was not fully aware or hasn't seen the Discord for a while, we are now short one frontliner. Said frontliner's player has departed voluntarily and on good terms; should they wish to re-enter at a later point in the adventure, all is peachy. Counters got a little funky there for a bit, but rest assured everyone is in good standing in regards to timing and such. I will make a post for Purple Bardy McDeathchick within the next two days to keep things aligned properly in this way. As per usual, for any questions, requests, and/or skill checks, please send me a line in our Discord. And give yourselves a big round of applause for sticking with it this far! From this point, things start getting weird. Best of luck.