“[i]Oh yea.[/i]” he says, realising his question made no sense and he was getting ahead of himself. [i]”That makes sense then.”[/i] He added feeling a little ashamed. With a curious sigh he lifted a hand and placed it over his left eye, seemingly to see what it was like. His right eye shifted about as he looked in all directions. Without stopping his little experiment he replied. “[i]Yea we definitely have red wine, we literally have everything. Well, mostly. I’m sure it’s all down there somewhere but sometimes it doesn’t let me find it, and I tell myself not to spend too long down there.[/i]” His uncovered eye snaps back to the fox mask. “[i]You dont have to pay if you don’t want to. I don’t want to take your things from you... Do you still have an eyeball under that gem?[/i]” and he peeled his hand from his face and gingerly pointed at the gem like she might not know which gem he was talking about. [@aia2022]