[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/hIyQUkG.jpg[/img][/center] [color=sandybrown]“Eh? No, I will do no such thihnff.” [/color] Rean lightly glared at the other girl but her stomach kept her from denying Liora’s apple. Whether she liked it or not, she needed to eat something. Begrudgingly, and refraining from pointing out the probable germination such an act entailed, she munched on the fruit even as the other girl was lost in her own thoughts. Good, because she didn’t fancy Liora catching her flustered expression or caring for her apple because soon enough Rean devoured the fruit, core and all. It seemed she was hungrier than she thought. Wiping her lips with her sleeve, she was just about to suggest they go look for Arthur before Liora took it upon herself to act as the “distraction.” It was a plan they hardly agreed to. Rean was left agape, hair slightly frazzled from Liora’s headpats. [color=sandybrown]“Wait, we can’t just…Liora that’s reckless, you fool!”[/color] But she was already up and near the guards. Rean cursed, an action that was probably unfavorable with the other gods but more than in-character for her patron. What, did Liora think she was some sort of thief? Was she even dressed like one? Why couldn’t they have gotten someone more suited for the task to sneak around, like Arthur. She idly felt his presence nearby but not close enough to be of real assistance. Rean sighed and got to moving before the guards realized what they were doing. Scanning around for a higher vantage point, she spotted the closest building to the library. First step was first, just getting onto [i]this[/i] building was going to be a hassle. Luckily, she had the merits of a small open window…and magic. Rean unstrapped the Devulga at her hip, flipping through the pages and muttering some soft but subtle words to the tome. She intended to conjure up crimson winds, just enough to elevate her to the window without causing a panic. It would be just their luck she summoned a crimson tornado instead but she doubted she had the energy for that anyway. Getting to the window was the easy part of course. Next remained scaling the library from [i]this[/i] building. [hr]