[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/DmHThHw.png[/img][/center] [color=6ecff6]"I didn't mean lure the dragon in while the refugees are there,"[/color] Ethelred replied, audibly irritated at the elf's biting words. [color=6ecff6]"Nor did I mean catching the soldiers unaware and unprepared. I suppose I misspoke before, but I meant cooperating with the local knights and garrison to take it down, giving them time to prepare and move the non-combatants to safety. Assuming, of course, they'd agree."[/color] He paused to compose himself, then continued. [color=6ecff6][i]He's right about fighting the dragon, if it was just the two of us, it might be a difficult fight. Considering how the last battle went, I'd might as well be fighting the dragon by myself.[/i][/color] Ethelred had to bite his lip to not say that aloud. He knew he was downplaying the elf's role in the battle, but he was still quite irritated. [color=6ecff6]"As for breaking her out, it could be done, but while a big enough distraction might divert their attention long enough for you to get into the fort, it wouldn't hold their attention long enough for you to figure out where she his, get in, free her, and get out without being seen by the now-alert guards. There's too much that can go wrong."[/color] Besides, he was under orders to not cause a major diplomatic incident with Harzelslack, and angering an entire fort might do that. [color=6ecff6]"But..."[/color] he said, pausing again and contemplating, now calmed down somewhat. [color=6ecff6]"Lonan did say that he needed to plan how to deal with the wyvern, and told us we were welcome to help. Yes...I think talking to them like you said is our best bet. If we can convince Grainne or Lonan to let us in the fort, we'd be able to look around and wait for an opportunity to break her out stealthily, while also giving us the option to cooperate with the Harzel forces in dealing with the dragon."[/color] Ethelred rode ahead, making himself known as he approached Grainne's procession. [color=6ecff6]"Greetings, Lady Grainne, was it?"[/color] he asked, not entirely sure what her noble title was. [color=6ecff6]"I am looking for Sir Lonan, to provide him further assistance in dealing with the dragon. Might I find him at the fort?"[/color] He wasn't particularly excited to be dealing with Grainne, from what he had observed, she was a rather abrasive person, and Lonan wasn't around to rebuke her. [@Cu Chulainn]