[hr][hr][center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/FKJKRczH/the-gifted-591b350cc9ba7.png[/img][/center][hr][center][@Nallore][@BlueSky44][@Achronum][@Trainerblue192][@Kirah][/center][hr][hr][center][color=f7941d][b]Genosha: August 3rd, 2021 - 12:50 PM [/b][/color][/center][hr][hr][center][h3][b][color=935DB8]Veil[/color] & [color=DBA1DE]Casper[/color] & [color=#DAF7A6]Sunshine[/color][/b][/h3][hr][hr][b]Location:[/b] Various [b]Skills:[/b] [color=DBA1DE]Mediumship[/color][/center][hr][b]Outside the Hospital...[/b] [color=DBA1DE]"Maman might be able to help us with the entire parenting thing - I mean, she got me to adulthood, which was no easy task, so she has to be really fuuuuuu-[i]fudging[/i] good at it,"[/color] Casper said. He grinned a bit, seeing the way James was rambling slightly at Bee about the hard light picture. It [i]was[/i] super cool; but he found James' rambling to be the cutest and most attention grabbing thing in the room (aside from their little baby boy!) Bee blushed, not used to so much attention. People tended to overlook her mutant power, as it didn't have much in the means of weaponization. "Oh, thanks. Um, as far as I know I can only make cubes... But I can do all sorts of sizes - from about the size of a piece of candy all the way up to the size of a horse," Bee said. "And yeah, I actually can turn 2D things into 3D, as long as I sorta have an idea in my head of how it would look in 3D..." [color=DBA1DE]"If you took a picture of yourself holding a cube, and then had a picture of that picture, and so on... Do you think anything weird would happen? Would you eventually break reality or something? I don't know how that would work, but I feel like there should be some sort of fun easter egg there,"[/color] Casper suggested. Bee's powers were super interesting - and as much as Casper loved being able to see Ben, he wished he had been born with a power like hers - one that wasn't terrifying and horrific. "Uhh.... No, I don't think so?" [b]Outside the House of M...[/b] The rain wasn't letting up yet. The storm clouds weren't covering the entire island, but those in the main portion were definitely affected. Hopefully the Green Lagoon had some means to block out the rain, as it exclusively had outdoor seating - the tropical island's fair weather never really necessitated a closed off roof. But then again, there were mutants who could control the weather on the island - maybe one of them would come on by and stop the rain soon? No one came across Andy and Zarina though. They were alone together. [b]Halfway to Bar Sinister...[/b] As Jack made it to the central area of the island, it would begin POURING. The rain was coming down aggressively and there was no sign of it stopping. The mutants he would see were going to take shelter, with some of the kids shrieking a little bit about the rain. Usually rain didn't last long on Genosha, as someone would come around and cause the weather to clear up, but it seemed no one able to manipulate the weather was there at the moment. Thunder boomed ominously. [i][color=8E6BB3]Now, is that any way to talk to your father, boy?[/color][/i] Mister Sinister's voice chimed into Jack's mind. [i][color=8E6BB3]You should be more appreciative - without me, you wouldn't be here. Your little girl would never have been born. Not that you've been much of a father to her, but oh well - I blame your mother's genes for that.[/color][/i] [b]Hellfire Bay...[/b] Luckily for Moneta and Renegade and Mongoose, the rain hadn't yet reached Hellfire Bay. Storm clouds were gathering up ahead though, the light dimming from the thick blanket of clouds developing. Renegade glanced up at the sky and sighed. She hadn't wanted to tell Moneta about this precisely because she knew this was what Moneta was going to say - that she was going to argue and make her feel guilty about all of this. It was her life and Ellie just wanted to focus on her own needs - but as ever, being a mother didn't just stop... "Ugh, did I ever mention your moral righteousness is annoying as shit?" Renegade said light heartedly. "But convincing... I'll tell them. Not today, probably not tomorrow... But I will, once I'm ready. For now, this'll have to stay between us, okay?" [b]Magda Eisenhard Memorial Housing Complex - Max's Room...[/b] The small group were now assembled in Max's room - it didn't have all of the same trappings and whatnot as it had before all of the destruction, but it was still his room all the same. Of course, the biggest difference had to be the corpse of a teenage boy on the bed. Ben's body had been preserved after his death, and he was dressed in what looked like an academy uniform. There were no obvious signs of how he had died - likely the fatal wounds were hidden with makeup or concealed by the clothing. "Woah, you've got an acheron?" Pixie said, picking up the [url=https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/415345821098311681/997324660045783040/unknown.png]strange puzzlebox[/url] Doctor Strange had sent to Max so long ago. "Where'd you get one of these? These are rare af," Pixie added, fiddling with the box. It was currently in its open configuration. "Always wanted one of these, but Mum never let me have one." [color=#DAF7A6]"It's too bad you're gay, she'd be perfect for you,"[/color] Sunshine whispered to Max, before snickering slightly. She was standing now near the door, with Marrow having an arm looped around Sunshine's waist. [color=#DAF7A6]"Anyways, when are you going to... you know, un-dead him?"[/color] Sunshine asked. She wouldn't admit that she was invested in seeing Ben alive again, but she was. Even though they could rarely see him, he was one of them - always there, always part of the group. "Kinda feel like you need a place with a better aesthetic for witchcraft than this," Marrow suggested, glancing around the room. "This is just a little... college dorm-y." [color=935DB8]"I'm sure Max knows where this needs to happen,"[/color] Veil said curtly. She knew Marrow and Sunshine were happy together, but she also just couldn't stand them sometimes. They were always poking at things and right now, Veil didn't think it was time for that. There was a dead body on the bed and countless others on the island. Now was the time to be serious. [color=935DB8]"Do you need us to get James and Casper for you?"[/color] Veil asked.