[Center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220404/603e5d2b7ef304a9e355245a216af3df.png[/img][/Center] [Right]Interacting with/Mentioning: [@PrankFox](Kenzan)[/Right][hr] Trying to get work done, huh? School work, if he had to guess. Either that or he found some sort of online job. It was probably the former, all things considered. [color=ed1c24]"Well, I'm trying to find books on historic firearms, if that makes any sense. The kind of stuff they used in World War 1 and the like. There's this really cool replica pistol at Wantanabe's, and after asking about it, its apparently been in use since 1911. At least, in America anyways. I was looking to see if maybe I could find more information on those kinds of things here."[/color] He turned his head back towards the shelves. His only other real option for books was to either order them online, or to check the school's library, though considering the content he was looking for, there's a good chance they wouldn't have that kind of stuff. Most of the books there were fiction books, or books on various school subjects. There were certainly World War 1 books at the library, but they were all about the events that occurred, rather than the weapons that were used. He turned his head back towards Kenzan. [color=ed1c24]"Either that, or maybe books on important figures in that kind of stuff? Like there's apparently a really important guy in firearms history named John Moses Browning. Anything like that would help."[/color] While the internet was certainly a useful tool for looking at stuff like this, he couldn't exactly take his computer with him, and he's not supposed to be on his phone at school, so a book is really his only other option.