Awesome. Ok, I have a few more questions, but also I'll start jotting down my idea. 1) Do all the mahou shoujo share a common pool of powers? e.g. all can conjure a shield 2) Do the warrior spirits grant unique abilities? 3) I assume only the shoujo can hear their specific warrior spirit, and spirits can't communicate with each other. Is this accurate? Idea: -kid who moves around a lot, not by choice, looking for something cool he doesn't expect to still have this time next year -friendly, chatty -14 max -family street performers, currently live out of a cheap RV attached to a van -second-youngest in family out of 4 kids -dreams of being a hero -hypomanic phase at start of rp Warrior spirit: -traditional berseker (need to look up old Scandanavian names) -bit twitchy, doesn't really know how to resolve things other than by violence -even if not very interested in the modern world (it's too overwhelming), does appreciate the kid's attempt to explain it and show it off -will be influenced by a theory I read about berserkers and PTSD