[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/WFGAILi.png[/img][hr][b]THE OWL GLASS ORDER[/b][hr][/center] [b]Prologue[/b] This is a story that takes place in Ersand'Enise, a name that sounds like when one sneezes after being brushed by chilly breeze. This is home to the Academy of Thaumaturgy, a place for fancy words and even fancier wizard hats. Across the land of Sipenta, the best and brightest of those born during the double ascendance of Shune the Learner, join the storied establishment's newest cohort. They bring their hopes, their fears, their background, and considerable power in 'The Gift' with them. Into this potent mix of burgeoning opportunity and where lurking peril lies, they step forward, the Magical-Animals known as Magimals.[hr][hider=Desserted Arc][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/6xc99lC.png[/img][/center][hr][hider=Chapter 1:Meeting the Paradigm][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/gvS09Jd.png[/img][/center] The Magimals were summoned before the great tree, only known to them as the Paradigm. They entered the room in single file, one-by-one, there were six of them in total. The first to arrive is the chihuahua known as Jocasta, with long blonde hair and riding a wagon, the girl had a mysterious air about her as she yaps in greeting. Next the Virangish sisters walked in one after the other, both elegant and tall black horses, the first with a long dark mane and sassy personality, Zarina, and tugged along behind was her sister, Ysilla, bearing a ropier white mane and a silence that fills the room. Next was the Lion Cub of Varrahasta, Ayla of Pride Arslan, purring fondly as she goes around greeting the others as she paws and curiously sniffs at them. Followed shortly by the wolf pup Kaspar, shrinking down behind the seats looking anxious, very unsure of himself. The last to join them was Yalen the Hamster, moving in a hurried manner in his orange hamster ball as he awkwardly bumps against the walls getting into position, a scholarly rodent who tended to nibble at the corner of books. With the class assembled, the Paradigm shed his leaves as the venation pattern laid out the plans for the task ahead. It appears there are orphan Magimals in great trouble in the Dessert as there were Aberrations closing on their positions. These aberrations are dangers, they cause distortions in reality that corrupt and pollute the world. With a yap, woof, neigh, roar and a squeak, the class came together and agreed a plan to save the orphan Magimals. The great tree opens his mouth, tall and wide, creating a portal to the Torragon High Dessert, the Magimals taking their time to walk through side-by-side to embark on the great adventure ahead. [/hider] [hider=Chapter 2: Torragon High Dessert][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/k11UTzS.png[/img][/center] The portal deposited the Magimals upon the great sherbet sands of the Torragonese High Dessert. Their entrance was soon greeted by creatures of the aberration when the bowls of spicy Hot Salsa came rolling towards them. The original coconut puddings with mango have been corrupted by rogue ingredients of chilli, peppers, and jalapenos, turning them into fiery Hot Salsa. Ayla released a fearsome roar to try to scare away the bowls. The cute roars have little effect, but she pounces towards them, using her paws to flick sherbet at them, using her gift to ensure they are coated in singular colours making them easier to identify. Next Ysilla’s saddle-hatch was opened as puppets of a bird, Hoopoe, and a monkey with clown makeup called Khamsei came floating out. The bird travels along with the monkey as it flies off to combat the Hot Salsa. The monkey drops as it starts clapping its two cymbals together repeatedly, and the bird puppet lands upon the side of the bowl, pecking up and down repeatedly on its axel. The bowl falls over on top of the monkey, soiling it with its spices, though it is unable to recover as the salsa begins pouring out everywhere, defeated. Kaspar whined as he walked around in a circle, sniffing, soon coming across a cherrywood stick. He excitedly picks it up, barking as the Bowl rolls towards him. With a howl towards the sky, a slab of chocolate brownie erupted from the sherbet before the bowl, halting it in its tracks. He ducks behind as he paws into the sherbet to hide, hoping the bowl goes away. To Kaspar’s surprise, when he eventually looks he finds it tipped over and spilling its contents upon the sherbet sand. Yalen was more decisive in his strike. His heart beat three times as much that day as he struggled to watch the torment of how delicious innocent puddings were turned into hot salsa. The anticipatory indigestion was too much, even for a hamster, growing a sweat. With a dramatic gopher stare in his arsenal, the gods watched with approval. The bowl of Hot Salsa started bubbling viciously as it splattered out upon the sand around it. Yalen went to see if there was anything he could salvage, but the aroma got the better of his stomach. The ever gallant Zarina was a thing of beauty as the long black mane fluttered in the breeze. She neighed proud and loud, clomping straight towards the biggest and baddest bowl of Hot Salsa that was sprinkled with the infamous Virangish pepper. Dancing around the bowl, she missed the foul aromas, building up momentum through prancing, and with a great rock of her body, pushed straight down upon her forelegs as her hindlegs kicked out hard, booting over the bowl like a mighty buckaroo. Jocasta was feeling abandoned as she had not moved forward with the others, her wagon struggling to move through the sand. She starts to yap aggressively as the Hot Salsa approaches, the incessant yapping was enough to make the salsa curdle. Upon seeing her super angry chihuahua face, the Bowl turns to the side as it hurried off into the opposite direction, moving at a great and sudden speed which causes it to tip over and splatter out its contents. Ayla was confronted by the last and remaining bowl. Unsure of how to deal with a vegetarian meal, she pounced around it, keeping it distracted as she released a series of roars to confuse the poor bowl into not knowing which way to turn as it grew unbalanced. Zarina grew annoyed as she charged towards the bowl, head butting it over as she glared down towards the Lion Cub and whinnied at her for playing with the food. [/hider] [hider=Chapter 3 : Journey to the Patisserie][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/IXjLZze.png[/img][/center] It wasn’t long till the class rounded up after their encounter with the bowls of Hot Salsa. One of the students appeared to be storing some of the leftover untainted Mango within his cheek pouches for later. To get to the Patisserie where the Orphan Magimals reside, they decide to ride upon Zarina’s back with Ysilla following up behind her sister. The Magimals were in deep conversation on their way to the destination. Zarina neighed for Ayla to warm up the coffee jug as Kaspar shivered nervously due to this being his first time riding a horse. Ysilla shared wisewords with her silence as she gave her fixed wooden stare towards them, Yalen taking these to heart as he contends with the digestive choices of eating leftovers so close to spicy food. Jocasta yaps distressed as she recalls the experience of being in the Patisserie herself. Terrible encounters with the wait staff there as they provided a horrendous service, long queues, and forcing her to eat chocolate even though she is a dog, Ayla was trying to comfort her as she paws towards her, accepting the chihuahua into her pride. The class was resolute, united in their goal of working together to bring back the joy which came with Dessert. What came next was a shock as they heard human screams and shouts, “Arena Malvada! - Evil sherbet”. It seems some wait staff were sent out to find them and have run into trouble. It turns out to be fear itself, Pepino-Dessierto, the mighty Cucumber that resides in the sherbet to prey on unsuspecting Desserters. Ayla is super scared as she hisses out, the green skin and watery sour texture is definitely something that shouldn’t be eaten. She growls her orders to the other Magimals as they prepare for it charging towards them. They start to arrange for a fork to be created out of sherbet, Kaspar waving his cherrywood stick at it, Ysilla deep in concentration, and Yalen’s spicy breath making it hot. Powered by the incessant yapping of Jocasta, Zarina boots the fork as it twists, turns, and swirls through the air as it makes its way towards Chocolate Fudge Mountain. After it impales the mountainside with a quelch, wobbling fiercely, it gives the impression of simulating the experience of it being eaten. Confused by these events and its desire to be consumed, the Cucumber heads over into that direction, allowing the class to escape to the Patisserie without having to endure its foulness. [/hider] [hider=Chapter 4: The Patisserie][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/c4jdbwR.png[/img][/center] The class proceeds with haste as they make their way to the Patisserie. Their arrival is soon greeted by the orphan Magimals who rush out excitedly to meet them, witnessing the events against the Hot Salsa and Pepino-Dessierto, treating them like aspiring heroes. Kaspar meets a wolf pup just like him called Felix, as they sniff each other suspiciously in that dog-like greeting, then soon becoming friendly as Kaspar shows him his cherrywood stick and start to play tug-o-war together. Yalen is greeted by a field mouse called Rita, sharing some of his stored mango with her as she excitedly jumps all over his hamster ball, causing him to grow a little dizzy. Ayla is greeted by a Cougar from Mewiatto who wishes to roar like her, as Ayla encourages her to do with a ferocious roar. Jocasta is met by a German Shepherd pup called Marci, sharing a kinship only fellow dogs can have as if they have known each other for years despite setting eyes upon each other for the first time. Zarina meets a donkey who looks up to her in awe, hoping a horse may know far more about his parentage than the humans of this place, whilst a little marmoset girl excitedly rides upon Ysilla’s back rocking backwards and forwards with glee. There is a ring of the dinner bell as the head baker approaches. The smell of a Naranja bundt cake fills the air as the head baker, Maria Baya, makes her presence known to the Magimals. [color=f26522]“Now come on children, leave the customers alone, tonight’s supper will have to be cancelled as we serve our guests”[/color], the orphans made their way inside grumbling, their little tummies rumbling. Maria turns to address the students, [color=f26522]“I’m the head baker here, I welcome you and would like to apologise for the chaotic introduction, we just cannot get the staff these days. Marcia, show them to their tables as we prepare to serve them”[/color]. The German Shepherd pup rides a wagon similar to Jocasta’s own as she barks for the doors to open, rolling into the Pâtisserie, passing a table occupied by skeletons with the order ticket still on display. The Magimals quickly realised there was much to be done here beyond what was shown upon the leaves. [/hider] ... [/hider]