[center][h1]“Welcome Aboard!”[/h1][/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/xjiMD7d.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/skvfbQw.png[/img][/center] Collaborative post with [@sail3695][hr] "The little critters givin' ya some work, aren't they?" "They sure are," Jadaline smiled nostalgically, glancing back at her two sons playing with some toys before shutting close the front door to her modest home. "With Zane gone on this new contract he managed to snatch up, it's a damn miracle I ain't driven myself crazy just yet." "You'll be alright, J, children'll be children," Imani chimed in, herself reminiscing the olden days. There were some fond memories here and there between the heartache and struggles she came to know from such a young age. But despite Imani's past, Jadaline was that one friend who proved to be beyond loyal. Her heart o' gold always made everything alright, and Imani never took her worth for granted. "They'll be grown 'fore you know it, so enjoy this time prior to them leaving the nest." Jadaline sighed as if the statement had saddened her. No reason why, the now and then was still a long ways away. That's what Imani figured. "Ya sure you can't stay? There's plenty to discuss. I can make ya that supper you like." Imani shook her head, patting her friend's shoulder. "Messy business if I stay; it's best I go, and the sooner the better." The two hugged it out for a moment before saying their goodbyes and parting ways, Jadaline watching her friend's departure before going back inside to tend to her sons. ****** Having purchased a scarf to conceal some of her features, Imani kept a low profile as she navigated the horde currently going about their day. Having her head angled down some, she mistakenly bumped a tall, large man dressed for business. He turned his head to shoot her a deathly glare before two more look-alikes bumped her out of her path, moving him along to whatever destination. In different circumstances, she would've said something, but Imani figured it best to not bring about any trouble onto herself. She looked off to the side, ignoring the unpleasantry that had just presented itself, and noticed a Firefly class seemingly open for business. [i]What's to lose?[/i] she concluded, starting to make her way towards the ship ​​and its welcoming host comfortably positioned on a lawn chair. Thus far, Yuri’s attempts to hawk China Doll’s services seemed to draw naught but oddities and parasites. The oddity’s business card lay in his pocket. The parasite stood before him, gesturing grandly as he ran a well polished spiel. “Tell ya true, son,” the man waved toward the Doll’s hull. “Your burn coat’s nigh on shot to hell. At best you got one, mayhaps two burn in’s left.” He broke from his scrutiny to fix Yuri with a narrow eye. “Where ya say you’re goin’ next?” “Pelorum.” “Pelorum?” The salesman spat on the ground. “That’s some thick air. Hit this old hull like a sand blaster. I take it back. You gotta recoat now.” “You don’t think she’ll take it?” he asked. The shyster wiped his brow. “Hoo, doggy! She might. She might not. You’re really rollin’ the dice to burn into Pelorum with this old girl in such a sorry state.” “But you can help me out.” Yuri tried not to smile as he offered the man an opening. “I sure can! Son…” “Yuri…” “Yuri…pleased to meetcha! I can set you up with the last bottom coat you’ll ever need.” The salesman jammed a screen before the 1st mate. “Feast yer eyes on that!” he grinned. “Duraburn ProMax Plus Undercoat! It’s the latest thing! Alliance been puttin’ it on their ships for five years, but now we can sell it at a discount to hard workin’ folk like you! Got a special runnin’ today only,” the salesman’s eye swept across the hull. “Class three Firefly rate’s thirty-five hundred, but today only? Nineteen ninety-nine!” “No.” Yuri shook his head. The salesman’s viewscreen glowed with a capture vid. A smiling young woman in a short skirt and polo shirt sprayed a thick black coating onto a gleaming shuttle. “Tell yah what I’m gonna do,” the salesman whisked the image away. “I’ll get in trouble for this, but I swear I couldn’t sleep knowin” I letcha fly off unprotected. Give you the full bottom coat, and I’ll throw in some touch up on your name header up there. Seventeen hundred…out the door.” He awaited Yuri’s reaction, his face projecting the classic “you’d be crazy to turn this down” expression. The new Mate took to his feet. “Tell me,” Yuri lifted his eyes toward the hull, “can you spray that Duraburn ProMax Plus all over me?” “Why you want a thing like that?” “Because,” Yuri smiled, “if my captain learned I’d blown seventeen hundred of his credits he’d burn me right to ash. But thanks for your time.” “You’re makin’ a big mistake, son,” the salesman shook his head as he wandered off. “A big mistake…” With a quiet chuckle, Yuri settled into the lawn chair, his legs stretched out and crossed at the ankles, fingers of both hands twined upon his stomach. [i]I wonder how much of this Abby puts up with?[/i] he mused. Having caught the end of the sales pitch, an impressive one at that going by persistence alone, Imani chuckled as she approached the ship. With a smile, she walked up to its occupant she figured to be responsible for letting folks aboard the aircraft. "Mighty fine way to start the day, staving off his services and whatnot." She eyeballed the man up and down, noting the cast on his arm. Looks like he did more than charge for admittance and then some. "Name's Imani, promise I'm not selling a thing," she held out her hand introducing herself. Politeness went a long way, especially when favors were needed. "I'm looking for a way off this rock, is that a possibility with you?" Being a wanderer on and off, sometimes without choice, meant she knew what she was asking for. “So you’re not selling anything?” the 1st mate smiled as he rose. “Then you just made my day already. Yuri,” he took her hand for an introductory shake. “Nice to meet you, Imani. And China Doll is definitely a way to get off Osiris, if Pelorum’s where you’re bound.” "Trust my word, were I selling you sumthin, you'd be havin' a word with your captain," Imani smirked. "Pelorum sounds as good as any," she added, glancing past him at the China Doll. [i]Not a bad one at all...[/i] "Standard fare I take it?" Imani reached for some coin tucked away in her bag's side pocket, her jacket inching back, partly displaying the black grip of her sidearm. “Yes ma’am,” Yuri nodded. “That’ll get you a single berth. We do have a double left for an additional fee, if you like.” The sidearm’s grip did catch the corner of his eye, an observation the Mate felt no need to advertise as he addressed a potential customer. “I don’t have a hard departure time yet. Captain’s making arrangements, but it’s likely to be two or three days from now. You’re welcome to come aboard when you like, though.” She was gathering her coin accordingly as Yuri explained the workings. "A single berth's all I need. I carry light, and the added luxury's not sumthin I'm seeking." Once she had enough, Imani reached out her hand with a smile, handing over her payment to him. "I sure do hope the food is up to standard. Last transport I spent half my time locked up and sick, tryna avoid that same now. Help a girl out here, am I safe or should I stock up prior to the China Doll's departure?" Yuri accepted her coin, tucking it into his pocket before he set to work on a receipt. “I try not to exaggerate, so I feel at ease telling you that I think our cook’s a wonder.” His eyes rose to meet hers as he said, “the man knows how to use seasoning, and somehow he scrounges up some pretty amazing stuff for our table. I’d say you’re safe, Imani,” he shrugged, “but you’ll get a couple chances to conjure that for yourself before we break atmo.” The stylus halted its’ movement. “Imani, can I have your last name for the manifest?” "Well then, can't wait to meet this wondrous cook o' yours." Relief visibly washed over her face as she stole a quick glance towards the entrance once more. Looked like her first round pick was a winner, lucky her. "Name's Ozuka, Imani Ozuka. I-M-A-N-I O-Z-U-K-A. Sumtimes the good folk don' get it right," she shrugged, placing her hands on her hips as she watched Yuri secure her spot in the manifest. She'd at last be able to let her guard down for a little. “Imani Ozuka,” Yuri repeated as he added her to the passenger manifest. Next, having completed her receipt, he offered the document. “That’s a nice name. Welcome aboard the China Doll.” He folded the clipboard beneath his cast as he gestured toward the cargo ramp. “Allow me to show you to your quarters?” "Kindly appreciate that," she motioned with the receipt in hand before tucking it away out of sight. Yuri offered the subtle compliment and Imani smiled a little in response, looking up the cargo bay once a walk-through was up for grabs. "Please, show the way. Not my first rodeo onboard a Firefly but it be best I not walk into a stranger's room doin' whatever strangers do dockside." Her expression was vague; possibly a joke, possibly not. “Yeah,” he chuckled as they crossed the empty cargo bay. “My last ship didn’t have locking doors. One mistake was all I needed.” He spent the next few minutes relaying the captain’s rules and the ‘go-no go’ places aboard the boat. “And here,” Yuri slid open a cabin door, “is your berth. Usually there’s a deckhand named Abby who looks after passengers, but she’s got a couple days off. ‘Til she’s back, If you need anything, you can find me, or Joe Hooker, the cook.” There was something quite likable about this Imani Ozuka. She was obviously attractive, but it was the easy confidence in her demeanor that drew his interest. He had a feeling that such a nature came with a number of engaging stories. [i]Hopefully there might be time for us to swap a few,[/i] he conjured. “Speaking of,” he pointed toward the stairway, “Hook’s got a coffee cake and fresh coffee up in the galley. Feel free to enjoy.” "Sounds lovely, though I ain't one of them caffeine fiends looking to get their hands on that next fix." Imanie stepped through the hatch, glancing around her birthing which'd be home for the foreseeable future. "I much prefer a good plate at my disposal." Her tired shoulders were just about done. Imani set her rucksack down on the deck and turned to face him. "Well you're as nice as they come, and you've been of great help. I'll be seeing ya later, Yuri." And with that, Imani was off to sleep away the insomnia from the previous night.