[center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/Uo0t3m3.png[/img] [h1][color=D2691E]Farim[/color][/h1] [/center] [hr] [center]As soon as Farim had arrived in Caessonia, he had found himself in quite the situation. The last thing on his mind was seemingly falling through an empty black void of despair and hopelessness before feeling his body tugged along, as if being dragged along by the scruff of his clothing. It was in this same empty black space that his consciousness would sit, thinking and ruminating on his life, his choices, and the many things he had done to come here. Just as he felt that unyielding wave of depression hit once more, his eyes fluttered open, finally giving color as he looked around and found himself in what he assumed was his living quarters. [/center] [center]He noticed his things put together exactly as he had requested, his pet bird Thara sat perched by the windowsill, still napping as peacefully as he could. He thought to himself for a moment, feeling the memories from the other night already fading, and only having a sinking feeling in his chest that something was wrong. What had he forgotten…who had he forgotten? He thought about the events leading up to the party. He had gotten to the guest house, walking into the main room he met Saiya, who had taken him to the party where the Shehzadi were. Then it hit him. [color=D2691E][i]Oh god. Saiya! I hope she made it home…I have to-[/i][/color] All thoughts stopped dead in his tracks as he finally saw just who was in the room with him. He realized that maybe that sinking dread wasn’t because of the party or the events of it, but rather who he could sense was staring daggers into him as he stirred from bed. His blood both froze and boiled as he looked up and saw the Grand Vizier staring him down while he was halfway out of bed. [color=D2691E]”So, I seem to have garnered your attention for once…”[/color] He said with a slight disdain, now realizing the slight headache that was ringing in the back of his skull as he leaned on the edge of the bed. [/center] [center][color=gold]“Pity you only catch my attention when you act like a damn fool.”[/color] Hafiz said with a click of his tongue, watching his son with disdain. He’d witnessed the group of nobles being brought in by the guards when he was on his way back from relationship building in the form of eavesdropping on other royals. To see them in such a state was humorous and humiliating, especially seeing his son who had to be carried inside. What a disgrace this boy was to the Kadir family name. [color=gold]“Care to explain what happened last night so I can attempt to save Saiya from the wrath of your uncle? Do remember, she is not truly family and the Sultan could have her beheaded with the snap of his fingers.”[/color] He threatened, knowing that was an unlikely scenario, yet he’d use his son’s fondness of the young woman against him if he could. [/center] [center]He let out a groan, his fingers rubbing the bridge of his nose as he stood up. [color=D2691E]”You sure do love to throw such harsh insults, but remind me…whose blood did I inherit again? I imagine you must’ve looked twice as foolish falling off your high chair, Hafiz.” [/color] He spoke that last word with absolute venom, and would try taking every sweet moment to stall answering his father. This was to both give him time to remember, and time to piss the man off, which he simply loved to do. However, as he stood there looking off to the various things he had laid out in his room, he couldn’t recall a single thing. He racked his mind, visibly frustrated that a little after party was enough to send him into a fit of amnesia. He looked to his father with a serious expression as he bargained for the truth. If his throat wasn’t drier than the dunes, he’d spit at the man's feet. [/center] [center][color=D2691E]”I don’t….remember. As believable as that sounds. All I remember is me coming here, finding a note with an address. My curiosity got the better of me, I walked into a warehouse of sorts and then I woke up here.”[/color] He omitted the key detail of Saiya being the one to bring him there, the only thing he could remember. But he wouldn’t dare implicate her. [color=D2691E]”My best guess is Saiya caught wind of me arriving and leaving so suddenly, and made sure nothing suspicious was going on. She is the one who dragged myself and the others home, no?”[/color] He rubbed his head, that slight throbbing persistently hitting his mind. He began to rummage through clothing as he picked some form of outfit as he was sure his father had more cutting words for him. He’d grown used to the tongue-lashings, and only hoped to keep his dear friend out of any trouble. [/center] [center]Hafiz’s face darkened as Farim mentioned his embarrassment from the day before. It was rather clear that his son had struck a nerve. [color=gold]“You best watch your tone, boy. I can take far more from you than you realize.”[/color] The Grand Vizier threatened as he took a few steps towards his son. [color=gold]“I do find it quite interesting that you were able to find out about where to go before Saiya had been able to, especially with her skills of discovering things. Are you positive that’s what happened?”[/color] He questioned, but it was rather clear that Hafiz knew better than to believe the tale his son was spinning.[/center] [center][color=gold]“I’d suggest thinking up a good, convincing story that’ll match Saiya’s and the others if you wish for the over-glorified servant girl to keep her pretty little head on her shoulders.”[/color] He said as he turned towards the door to walk out, pausing as he grabbed the door handle. [color=gold]“Unfortunately, you have no time to get your story straight with the others as everyone that was brought back last night is to come to the main hall…immediately.”[/color] He said as he glanced over his shoulder at his son.[/center] [center]Farim would stop meandering through his wardrobe to display a feigned look of shock at his father’s statement. [color=D2691E]”You say this to the man who has to find his way around a market for a living, thinking he can’t find a simple warehouse? You insult me, yet again. And I would certainly hope the Grand Vizier could take a quip or two. If your knees buckled the moment someone talked back to you then I would feel ashamed for you.”[/color] He let out his last little flurry of words at his father, knowing that Hafiz’s tone did indeed carry some serious undertones. He reached into the stand-in dresser that held his outfits, knowing just which one to pick.[/center] [center]He picked up a particular [url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/953038837381222480/953040534803460126/1515552842.rumcandy_suit_outfit_22_ou9_by_rumcandyadopt-dbz8h5m.png]suit[/url] that caught his eye, something lined with golden threads, yet still with beige and white undertones that hinted to the dunes of his homeland. The crown jewel, literally, would be the fancy golden feather that lined the front of his shirt with an emerald the size of his palm etched within it. Normally such an outfit came with earrings, however with time of the essence he decided against it, quickly changing into his new attire despite his father’s presence. He looked towards him and would straight his clothes and hair out, making it seem less like he just rolled out of bed. [color=D2691E]”Why would I need to get my story straight with people I was never with? Would it not make more sense for my story to be off if only for the reason that I was alone in my travels?”[/color] He would speak how he really felt, still weaving a slight web of carefully placed falsehoods to try and remove any suspicion off of his friend. He finished getting ready and followed his father’s lead, walking with as much dignity as he could put together, knowing his ever so-loving father would likely try at every chance to rip that out from under him.[/center] [center]He stepped into the carriage laid out front, unfortunately owned by his father. He would take any other ride on any other day, but today he was afforded no such liberties. He simply kept quiet once he was outdoors and followed his father’s steps. As they rode in silence towards the carriage he could feel the disappointment and general dissatisfaction emanating from his father. He decided not to spurr the man on anymore, and would simply step out of the carriage after him once they arrived at the hall. His head and face remained neutral, but he could feel a sinking feeling in his chest. He had only hoped that his story would hold water, and that his poker face could hopefully bring about Saiya’s safety. As he walked into the main hall, he would see an already growing group of nobles, and decided to walk with an even pace, keeping his composure as best he can for when he would see the Sultan arrive. [/center]