Thom moved Gundam Beleth near Holly's new mobile suit in the smaller debris field. His red suit managing to shield away behind a cluster of floating gray rocks. He moved a claw hand onto Stolas' shoulder, speaking through the private line established. [color=tan][b]"Holly, you know letting Martyn control the situation is crazy dont'cha. Just listen to him. Don't he know that the Gundam Frames are rare treasures, a person's greed overcomes their fear. Specially if they think a bunch of useless space-rats is all that stands in the way. The Jolly Rogs are all about possessing trinkets."[/b][/color] He spat the word trinkets out with venom. [color=tan][b]"Its too late after all his talk but I'm suggesting we attack anyway... Bosun, especially Bosun, that bastard."[/b][/color] A touch of fear was laced in the anger of his words. [color=tan][b]"I won't give him a chance to head-hunt us. He dies today."[/b][/color] For some reason the lamentations of the others were stark in his head for a quiet moment. His heart slowed and he grew somber but he forced it away with zealous effort. [color=tan][i]Come on, they were just there... like you were just there. Your bonds are forced circumstances urged on by survival. Focus on the fight in front of you.[/i][/color] Gently, Thom pushed Beleth away from Stolas careful of Carrot's deadly aim. [color=tan][b]"Damn, we need a way to get close to her or at least draw her in. For all my big talk, I'm the only one who didn't grab any weapons."[/b][/color] He gripped his controls with frustration. There was so much frustration and uncertainty in him that it felt suffocating. [color=tan][b]"DAMMIT!"[/b][/color] he cursed to himself. He would have to wait for the others to give him an opening.