[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/935994562026016780/958543586708840448/KaiserHeadPic.png[/img] [h1][color=steelblue]K A I [/color][/h1] [h3]First Friend, Get![/h3][/center] [hr] [@Feyblue]Kai watched the face Julian made as the other recruit chewed their food. He put his own biscuit into his mouth and sat there, mimicking the other student's rhythm. They gulped at the same time. "Who, me? I'm always energetic. Today especially! We're gonna finally start becoming knights, after all!" "Yeah!" Kai threw both of his fists up in the air with an excited grin. "I'm gonna do my best, and be a hero just like Gramps!" He did it! He had made a friend! Again, as the bluette finished was was on his plate, he looked around the room at the others. Zenshin was talking about his training, or the lack of it, with Nathaniel. Nathaniel didn't seem so angry anymore, but there was something...slightly unnerving about how quiet he had been. Normally, people yelled at Kai when he did things like burst through doors and knock them over. But Nathaniel seemed focused on other things...and the wildling had no idea what thoughts the other boy might be having. Given how intense he had been thus far, the shift was unexpected. Most of the others, meanwhile, seemed a little subdued in their conversations--maybe they weren't really wide awake yet? Ah...they weren't "energetic" like he and Julian were? Was that...something that needed to be fixed? He looked back at Julian. "What made you wanna be a knight, Julian?" he asked. "Do you have a Gramps too?"