[center][color=00a99d][h2]Vigil[/h2][/color][/center] Vigil had been mostly keeping to himself after the audience with the Princess. The others may have spotted him wandering around the palace from time to time, often seeming very deep in thought or just looking completely lost. Any attempts to converse with him would find him just as talkative as he had been on that first day - as in, not much at all. Responses, if he gave them at all, were short and to the point, and it always seemed as if he challenged himself to use as few words as he could to get his meaning across. Many might consider his mannerisms purposely stand-offish, but in truth, his guarded nature was simply to hide how out of his depth he felt. This land, these people with their ways so different from his own, the variety of new sights, sounds and smells. He was being given a lot of new information all at once and he had no idea what to do with any of it. Seeking some distraction from these anxieties, Vigil decided to go seek out the two young'uns who had come to the palace on the same day he had. In particular, he wanted to talk to the behemoth boy, as he was curious to know what one of his own, especially one so young, was doing so far from the Badlands. Perhaps he'd ended up captured like Vigil himself. Perhaps some common ground could be established, and might help the behemoth warrior feel just a little less isolated in these new lands. He'd seen the children, along with their new Noctem friend, hanging around the Palace Gardens so he decided to investigate there. As he made his way, he kept his ears alert for any strange sounds, the sudden attack from the Tralaya looming in his mind. Should another swarm attempt to fall over the city, he would not be caught off guard again.