That's okay. The ideal number of players that I silently aim for is 5. It's not always about the player count, but how fast/slow people are pumping out posts. Imagine that everyone that has a character here was super active and posted very fast—we'd be drowning in posts and it would be nearly impossible to keep up. Equally, if everyone posts too slow with that many players, you are looking at 2 months (minimum) before it's your 'turn' to post again. And, if the character cast seems small with 5 people, it's easily fixable by adding secondary characters. Right now, I think we need to cut down the post length just a tiny bit and reduce the time between posts. We have very good pace for being so many and having rather lengthy posts, but it could be adjusted just a fraction. I also think that [i]I[/i] need to post more—activity inspires activity from others. I'm planning to do some IC-'flavor' posts for Benjamin that do not necessarily interact with anyone, but will add an important dimension to this character that everyone supposedly has to care about somehow. edit. Updated the 0th IC-post with names for different times. We don't post often enough to warrant the specific timestamps. But, I still put them in (parenthesis) for each name. [@Aeolian] started with this, so I figured we might as well do it. "Late Morning" is now 09:00-12:00. There's a name for 3-hour segments for the entirety of 24 hours that we can use.